Getting to know each other.

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She stared at me for what seems like a while before she finally replied.

"I always thought you did tho, Just be careful please and don't forget that I once said he's dangerous." She said quietly.

"Okay, no problem. I will be." I said as we got to the lecture room.

We got ourselves seat as we got in, fortunately the lecturer wasn't yet in class giving me time with my thoughts.

I don't know why or how but i found myself at Golden lounge sitting in front of Tolu in the evening. You could call me stupid or naive but it's not my fault, my legs just seem to want to go in the direction and that was exactly where I went.

"I'm sorry." He said simply making it his first word after staring at me for almost 10 minutes.

"For?" I asked sarcastically.

"For breaking the rule of the game." He replied smugly as i felt like stretching across the table to strangle him.

"Really!!! That's the only thing you are sorry for." I said, exasperated.

"What else should I be sorry for?"  he ask.

"Nothing." I said fuming and at the same time not being able to explain myself because I didn't want to sound weird.

"Talk." he said a gentle smile now on his face.

"I swear this guy is bipolar." I thought confused by his smile.

"Talk nah." he said again breaking me away from my thought.

"I have nothing to say." I said standing up.

"Bye." I added when i didn't get a reply and just when i thought he would stay quiet, he said.

"I'm sorry for not respecting you at the club." A smile broke out on my face like a broken coconut as I turned around, smiled and said thank you.

"Let's leave together." he said joining me and we walked out.

We walked out together and surprisingly, as we walked he asked to play 21 question.

"Really?" I ask surprised.

"Yes. I will start." he said.

"So... What's your full name?" He ask.

"Sarah Wellington." I replied simply.

"No middle name?" He ask.

"I do." I reply.

"What is it? " he ask.

"Olaoluwa." I reply.

"Hmm, sounds like a male name." he replied.

"I know right, that's exactly why I don't use it." I said while he chuckled.

"Well unfortunately, I'm going to be calling you olaoluwa from now on. Take it or leave it." He said as I frowned while internally I was a puddle loving the way the name sounded in his voice.

"I don't like it ooh." I said frowning a bit, faking hard girl.

"Ha, What is wrong with this one Bayi." he said still chuckling.

"Nothing, shaa don't call me olaoluwa." I said faking anger.

"Okay okay. I have heard." he said.

"So do you have any hobbies?" I ask.

"Yes, I do have a few." he simply said.

"Can you tell me which ones."

"Hmmmm, I love drumming, I dance, drawing is second nature to me, I write too but not all the time. I'm always too lazy to write." he replied.

"Wow! And you call this a few, this is not a few ooh. I love dancing too but I'm always too shy to do it where people are so it's just dancing to the radio inside my room. I just used to turn kafayat ni whenever I'm alone in my room." I said as i started laughing and he joined me immediately.

"Oh my god, oh my god." He chanted while still laughing and using his hands to fan his eyes.

"You mean kaffy, the popular dancer right?" He ask and as i nodded positively, we both burst into laughter again.

"You this girl eehn. You need deliverance." He said still shaking his head, a smile on his head.

"Abegi, lemme ooh. Let me talk my talk ooh." I said still smiling as he just shook his head.

"Oya, talk your talk." He said still smiling.

"Okay so apart from being a famous dancer when I'm alone, I write and whenever I write like this, I just become Nora Robert ni. I love drawings tho, they are always so artistic but unfortunately I can't even draw a box without it looking like it's going to break anytime soon." I said and by the time I was done, he was shaking his head and laughing hard.

"Oh please. You are one of the most hilarious person I have ever met." He said still trying his breathe from his laughter.

"Haha, hilarious keh. When I'm not Ay makun. Please ooh, I'm not a comedian ooh." I said chuckling at my words myself.

"At this rate you can be. You have gotten me to laugh more than I have done in a while in just a few minutes." He said as I smiled or should I say blushed at the compliment.

"blushed!!! Sarah Wellington, when did you start blushing." My subconscious yelled.

"Thank you." I said still blushing? 

"Ayemi, temi bami! (my life, I'm doomed!" I thought.

"So.... I would love to see some of your drawings if you would let me." I said.

"Ooh sure, some other time. Will be glad to show you." He said as we neared my hostel which I could now see from afar.

"What type of drawing do you do. Is it nature, portrait or what." I ask as he chuckled.

"Abi, I shaa know there are different types of drawing. Even if I don't know the names." I said.

"I do portrait mostly but i do all. I can draw anything that needs to be drawn." He said as we finally neared my hostel.

"Wow, that's very nice." I complimented.

"Yea yea. Here we are." He said stopping at my hostel gate. His hands deep in his pocket.

"Okay hum. I guess I will see you around?" I said ending the sentence like a question.

"Definitely, you will. Thanks for honouring my call." he said.

"Naso, Thanks for walking me back." I said smiling.

"You are welcome." He said turning around and I walked into my hostel with a brilliant smile on my face.

A'N:Heyo guys, how have you been. A quick update, I hope you loved it. If you do, then remember to click on that lonely star below to make it glow and happy. Comment and drop your thoughts, let's reason together. Please note that this chapter is not edited, my phone keeps acting up.

Question of the chapter: Where do you think this story is headed?

Love y'all, drop your comments. See ya later💓💓😘.

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