I love you?

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Thankfully, it turned out to be Ada, a fellow course mate who works at the motel. She ended up making small talks with me as I hurried her up, telling her i was going somewhere important.

"Thank God." I muttered as i walked into the hostel, i greeted some few girls on the passage as i walk past them. Tosin and Teemah were the only one in and they were both asleep. Teemah stirred as i entered but went back to sleep.

I laid on my bed quietly, determined not to disturb my roommates. I soon found myself thinking about last night, although i was drunk and couldn't really recall a lot of things but i could recall 3 things.

First, it was good and i felt more closer to Tolu than I'd ever thought I'd be. I wondered why I'd resisted for so long when it's that good.

Second, i was begging?! I cringed in mortification as I remembered that bit.

Lastly, We didn't use a condom. That thought got me scrambling to my feet, i sat back down and searched my bag for my phone. When i finally found it, i sent him a text

Hi... i know you probably won't reply this but we need to talk, let's meet up. I'll be waiting for you at the garden near your college by 12. Don't keep me waiting.

I sighed as i hit on the send button, i dropped my phone on the bed as i prepared to take a shower, I ended up dressing in a cute red knee length off shoulder jumpsuit . I didn't bother with makeup, i just packed my hair and carried my little black purse dumping my Credit card, phone, earpiece and a little cash in it.

"Sarah, are you going out again?" Tosin ask from Teemah's bed where she was eating cereal watching a movie on Teemah's laptop, she woke up when i was taking a shower.

"Yea, i am. I might be back late shaa." I replied.

"Okay ooh, you are worse than Teni sef. You guys are always going out." She said facing her movie as I muttered a little bye and left the room.

"Be careful." Teemah muttered as i walked past her.

I arrived 30 minutes before 12pm so I ended waiting. I waited till 1pm but there was still no sign of Tolu, i was about to give up and leave by 2pm when i finally noticed him from afar, he was walking slowly towards me and i could feel myself ready to lash out.

"Hey." He said taking a seat beside me.

"Hey? That's all you are going to say?" I ask surprised

"Well, what am I supposed to say?" He ask

"Well you could start with sorry, i have been waiting here for 2 hours and then for leaving this morning too."  I muttered the last part.

"I'm sorry that I'm late and for leaving this morning. I didn't know you'd want me to stay, i thought this was all just a bet." He replied nonchalantly.

"Is that what it is to you?" I ask, he ignored me like he didn't hear what i said.

"Is that it!" I scream before getting myself together, checking around to see if anyone was around but thankfully, everywhere was dry.

"It is." He answered.

"What?" I ask, i could feel a searing pain through my heart but I couldn't really understood what it was about. All i knew was that his next word was enough to make me double over in pain, holding my heart and finally sobbing.

"It has never been more than the bet Sarah." He said as he stood up, his back was to me and he was already leaving when i said.

"We didn't use protection." I said but he didn't turn to me, he just said.

"Get to an hospital, test yourself and flush whatever is there out. Send me your account number, I'll send..." I didn't let him finish his sentence before standing up.

"Is money everything to you?" I ask calmly but he simply ignored me.

"Anyways, I don't need your money and I definitely don't need you. Since this is all about the bet to you, there's probably no need to see you anymore again. Bye." I said, planning on walking out on him but he interceded me by grabbing my hands as i walked past him.

At that moment, unspoken words flew around us as i feel sparks and electricity coursing through my body. It was at that spot that i realized why his words hurt, it was right then and there that i realized i had fallen madly  in love with Tolu.

I waited, expecting him to say something, anything just not to make me leave, so I wouldn't have to deal with my heart breaking but he simply let me go, he released his hold on my hands as i wished i could hold him tighter.

He dropped my hands and i ran off with tears in my eyes and my heart telling me to go back to him but I didn't, I didn't look back at him. I just ran all the way to my hostel ignoring all the looks i got from my hostel mate as i ran to my room and collapsed on my bed, finally letting the tears flow.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you..." i said over and over and over again, saying the words i wish i could have said to him there as i fall into a deep and peaceful sleep.

A'N: Hi guys, so this chapter is like my big comeback🤤🙊. I enjoyed writing it and i almost cried at the ending, i felt sad for Sarah really.

This chapter is dedicated to Tunmise🥰🥰, one of my beautiful friend that has given me the inspiration to go on with this book.

This book is my first guys and i really want to complete it so please help me complete it by motivating me with your votes ⭐️ and comments.

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