I'm Leaving.

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This chapter is dedicated to Chibike814, you can check out his cover shop to get a very nice cover.

It has been two days since I had finished my exams and staying with Dupzy had been much fun. Trying to avoid Tolu hadn't been though but I ignored him whenever we crossed path and he did the same.

I and Dupzy were sitting in front of her hostel the next Monday playing a board game popularly known as Ludo when the guys returned from their exam.

"Hey guys. What's up?" Dupzy said to them, neglecting our game as I mutter a small greeting.

"I'm hungry." Seun said, holding his tummy as he makes a face at Dupzy.

"I have told you to always eat before going for exams eehn." She scolds him gently, standing up.

"It's not my fault nah, I was in a hurry." He tried to defend himself.

"Whatever, you should have woken up early. Shaa come, I'd cook for you." She said as he put one arm around her waist, the other around her legs and carried her. She yelped, laughing as he carries her into the hostel. The boys except Tolu followed them in, cheering their friend up.

Realizing I was left with Tolu who has surprisingly been quiet ever since they came back, my heart starts to beat fast as I quickly packed the board game.

I was about to make my way inside the hostel when his voice stopped me.

"Can we talk?" That was the only thing he said but his voice sounded like he wanted to say a thousand other things but of course, it could be me just reading meaning into things.

"About what?" I ask in a nonchalant manner, staring at him as I notice the tiredness showing on his face. He had big eye bags and his hair looked like it hadn't seen in a comb in days and I felt a bit sad at that but then figured it was probably the exams before telling myself I had no right getting sad for him.

"You know what about." That was the only reply he gave me as I sigh and sat down on the sit I had been sitting previously. He was silent for a while after he had taken his seat on Dupzy's previous seat.

"Are you going to talk or are we going to spend the rest of the day staring at the people passing by?!" I snap at him in annoyance.

"I'm leaving!" He blurt out all of a sudden.

"What?!" I said, my heart almost jumped out of my chest as I tried to process his words again.

"What do you mean?" I ask again,  when he didn't give me a reply.

"Tolu, talk to me!" I shout in desperation when he kept mute.

"I'm sorry." That was the only thing he muttered but I didn't want his apology, I wanted an explanation.

"About what?" I ask, teary eyed. It was obvious any other word he say would push me over the edge and I would start crying. He knew that too and maybe that was why he refrained from talking, maybe that was why he kept quiet but I needed more, I needed an explanation.

"I demand an explanation! Damn it, I deserve that much!" I yell, crying.

"You deserve so much more Sarah, you are one of the most wonderful, beautiful and smart girl I have ever met but you deserve more, you don't deserve someone like me.

You don't deserve someone who carries his own personal baggage around like a cross, you don't deserve someone who destroy whatever he touches, you deserve someone that would be good to you all the time not someone that will hurt you but God help me Sarah, even though I know all of this..." He swallowed his tears as I watch him talk with tears on my face, surprised at what I'm hearing.

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