The challenge?

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The next few weeks went by without any remarkable event. I saw Tolu a few times but I ignored him, thankfully he didn't disturb me while my friendship with dupzy grew.

I was walking down the corridor from the lecture room where I had just finished taking a class when I heard someone call my name.

"Sarah, Sarah." The person called as I turned to look at who might be calling me since the voice didn't sound familiar. I turned to face a guy standing behind me, perspiration present on his face which was an indication he had been running.

"Hi." I said looking at the handsome specimen in front of me. No doubt about it, he was handsome and tall. He was what people would call an attractive guy but still he was a stranger so I was wary.

"Hi, I'm Babatunde." He introduced all smiles. He looked prim and proper in his tucked In shirt and pants.

"I'm Sarah." I replied.

"Ooh yes, I know that. I'm an engineering student, 2nd year. And I know you are in pharmacy, first year." He said while I nodded.

"So, I just wanted to know if we could be friends. I would be so happy if you can give me your number." He said all smiles.

"Hmm."  I said as i thought about it, I knew I didn't want to give him the number because something was off about him but at the same time, I didn't want to waste my time arguing back and forth with him. Besides, what's the first that could happen. I could easily block him if he disturbs me so I said

"Okay." As i typed it on his phone.

"Thanks."  He said as he disappeared.

"So weird." I muttered as i made my way to the hostel. By the time I got to the room, I was so exhausted. The hostel was quiet because it was just 1.00pm in the afternoon and most student were still in school, none of my roommate was around so I just changed my cloth to a short Mickey mouse gown and prepare to make lunch as I got the ingrident for porridge and took it to the kitchen.

I put my favourite playlist on and start to listen to music as i cut, wash and prepare the porridge. Immediately, it was on fire. I took my phone and went back to the room.

I switched on my data and started to go through the uncountable whatsapp messages I was yet to reply, I replied the ones I felt like until I came across a new message from a new number.
"Hi." It reads.

"Hello, Who is this." I replied while I moved on to other chats.

"Told you I was going to get your number." The person replied instantly as i clicked on the profile to see who it was but unfortunately there was no profile picture.

"I don't get." I replied confused.

"It's Tolu." He said.

"Wait, what." Was the first thing that came to my mind as I saw an image of him looking like a god smoking at the party but i decide to play dumb.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you." I said.

"Ooh baby girl, we both know you remember me perfectly well.
Let me jog your memory, do you remember the guy you bumped into few weeks ago." he sent.

"Ooh fuck, busted." I thought but decide to play it cool.

"Ooh, it's you. How are you doing." I replied praying it will sound nonchalant.

"We both know you are dancing with giddiness over there boo." He replied as my heart thumped loudly in my ribcage.

"You wish." I replied as i quickly switched off my data before he could reply.

"Oh my." I said as I thought about him, my heart beat fast as I wondered what was wrong with me. I was not a novice so i knew I liked him but what I couldn't understand was how fast I did.

I understood he was handsome, to be honest handsome was an understatement but still I couldn't believe I was attracted to someone I had seen just a few number of times. Eager to see if he had replied, I switched on my data.

"😂😂😂I know." 
"Hmm, I don't know why but I feel you went offline just to avoid me." I read as I gasped.

"Well, aren't you such a mind reader 😏" I replied.

"Well, you can say I'm very good at mind reading." He replied.

"Na so."

"See, let me just go straight to the point here. You are fine and I want us to have a thing together." I read as I gasped yet again.

"How outrageous, see this guy ooh. Asking me for sex!!!" I mused aloud.

"Excuse me?!" I replied.

"You should see it as a blessing that I want you. There are lots of girl out there that wants that opportunity, so you better accept before I change my mind."  He said.

"Wait, like really😐😐 look here, Mr man. I'm not a whore neither am I a slut, if really you have a long list of people waiting for you or who would see it a blessing then you should go ahead but as for me, I'm not interested and never ever say something like that to me again." I clicked send as i tried to contain my anger.

"Who is cooking porridge ooh!" someone screamed from the kitchen as i dropped my phone in shock and ran to the kitchen. Thankfully, it was not yet burnt so i added a little water and mashed the yam with a ladle. Immediately I was done, I switch off the cooker and carried the pot to my room. I dropped it on the cardboard on my reading table as I picked up my phone to check if Tolu returned my message.

"Hmm, a challenge. I like one once in a while, What if I tell you I would be able to convince you to have sex with me in 30 days if you will let me."

"What, of course not. A month won't change anything." I replied instantly.

"You think so. Are you in or not." He replied and even though my brain told me to say No, my ego urged me and I didn't know when I replied

"I'm in."

"Good, meet me outside your hostel In 30 minutes. I'm around." He replied.

"Hmm, I don't get." I said.

"Well, if I'm going to convince you. I have to start early, get to it. See you in 30 minutes." He replied as he went offline.

"Okay." I replied as I slipped on a cute short gown, did a simple makeup and rushed out 29 minutes later, porridge forgotten.

A'N: Phew, now this is a chapter. I know I kept you all waiting and I'm so sorry, I hope this is worth it. I know the challenge stuff is so cliche but I've always wondered what it will be like in a Nigerian setting so I hope you enjoy it.

Tell me what you think about this chapter or even this book in general. Make me happy by voting and you can share and tag your friends in the inline comment😘😘😘

Love Y'all.

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