How Long Can I Keep This Up.

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Chapter 4

Walking into her house was a work of art she had paintings and flowers everywhere. "Wow I said your house is beautiful Kendra!" "Oh thank you Camille come, come have a seat make yourself at home she told me!" "Alright I replied!" She smiled and walked off towards the kitchen area as I sat on the couch looking around. A few minutes later she came back with a tray full of snacks and beverage and placed it on the small table in front of me, "thank you I said!" She smiled and kissed my cheeks and replied your welcome!" "WhAt The fuck was that I thought to myself and picked up one of the snacks. A few hours she came back into the living room and asked me if I'll like to follow her upstairs?" "Why I asked!" Do you want help with something I told her? "Actually ya! I'm painting my room and it will be nice if I can get your opinion on which colour would go good with the walls she asked me!" "Ummm ok I replied and got up and followed her to her room. As when reached it she told me to go in first and she followed shortly after shutting the door behind her, "ummm Kendra why did you closed the door I asked her all suspicious?" "Oh don't worry about it I just want some privacy so shall we start she said! Clapping her hands together and walking over towards the paint. "Ya I said awkwardly and grabbed an extra paint brush in the Bucket, when we started I couldn't help but to steal I few glances here and there towards Kendra her beauty was just so Hypnotic-a i couldn't find the strength to pull away form her. The more I looked at her the deeper I fell and urine for her, "hey Camille she called out!" "Huh yes Kendra I stuttered?" She gave me a heart warming smile and replied can you help me take off my clothes?" "What!!!! I screamed out!" "Will my hands are kinda of dirty with paint so I was wondering if you don't mind can you help me unbutton my clothes?" I started blinking uncontrollably and I shakily walked up towards her. As my hands traits the outline of her blouse my heart was beating out of my rib cage, as my fingers went lower and lower I couldn't help but look at her in the eyes they where a Forest green on a warm morning breeze, they made you feel at home every time you looked into them I started to get lost into her I wanted to lean in and tease those beautiful red lips of hers but I held myself back form doing anything further, I know she doesn't feel anything towards me but it's getting harder and harder to fight the temptation inside me. How can you be so close to someone yet so far at the same time it's like I'm battling a war within me and And everyday I'm losing to urge to hold on.

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