I Melt When You're Around Me...

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Chapter 26
I was now getting out of the jeweller, when my phone started to ring I took my phone form my pocket and looked at down at the caller ID to see it was Camille calling

"Fuck I replied she can't know I'm out looking for her ring it will spoil the engagement!"  So I quietly picked up and said

"Hey babe!"

"Hi boo where are you?" she asked me with a worried tone,

"Oh I'm just outside!" I replied

"Oh are you doing some site seeing?"

"Yes baby I'm doing some site seeing what's wrong why did you sound worried when you called me ?" I asked her

"I Nothing I knew you told me you were going out but I forgot cause I was half a sleep she told me with a giggle!"

"Oh babe!"  I laughed and replied "I'll be home soon ok I just need to do a few errands and later tonight we can have a movie date!"

"Oh really where? she asked with excitement!"

"In the house or do you want to go to a movie theatre?"  I asked

"Ummm in door movie is fine babe will  I'll let you get back to your errands and I'll see you tonight ok babe!" she replied

"Sound fantastic!" I told her about to hung up but she said,

"Babe wait one more thing before I forget!"

"What?"  I asked her curious

"Do you want some Chinese food or Thai food?" she asked

"Why?" I asked her curious

"Oh I'm going to order take out so I wanted to know when your coming and see what you wanted before I placed the order in?" she asked

I laughed and replied "Thai food sound excellent baby!"

"Alright Thai food it is so when will you be on your way?" she replied,

"Really soon you can go ahead and place the order I shall be home soon let me just finish doing I few things and I'll text you when I'm on my way Alright!"  I replied

"Ok baby I love you!"  she said

"I love you more!" I replied, and hung up the phone.

When I got everything I needed I walked back to the hotel with a smile on my face thinking about tomorrow when I get to finally call Camille mine and my fiancé.

As I walked up towards the hotel I opened the door and walked in and greeted the lady at the desks and headed up towards my room where Camille patiently waiting to started our indoor date, as I was at our hotel room I was about to place my key in when I heard giggles coming form down the hall so i slowly turned my head to see Nikki.

"What the fuck is she doing here I thought to myself!"

"Fuck her Kendra remember Camille doesn't remember her and she'll never take her away form you she loves you I told myself as i place the key in the door and walked in to see Camille laying on the couch watching tv.

"What took you so long babe?" she replied getting up and walking over to me,

"I'm sorry baby I got distracted but enough about me how about you how was your day?" I asked her kissing her lips then her cheeks.

"It was kinda lonely!" she told me wrapping her arms around me with a pouty face,

I laughed and replied "Will I'm here know so come on let's watch some tv and wait for the food to arrive!"

"Yes but what's in the bag?"  she asked me stopping and pulling me towards it,

"Noting I quietly!" said pulling her attention away form the bag and placing her onto the couch.

"Ok babe!" she replied

"Baby I'll be back  ok let me just move that bag out the way before the food comes Alright!" I told her

"Alright!" she said not once leaving her eyes form the tv,

So I got up and walked over towards the door and picked up the bag and placed it into our room in the closet and shutting it closed.

As I closed the closet door there was knock at the door,

"I'll get it baby!"  I heard Camille said

"Ok baby!" I shouted back the money is on the kitchen table for the food I told her closing the door and walking out the bedroom,

When I was about to turn the corner I heard Camille telling the delivery man thank you And was about to head the door close instead I heard a heard kicked and Camille screaming.

"Babe!" I replied running out

When I came towards the door I saw Camille on the ground and our food laid out on the floor with Nikki crouched down next to her with a worried experience,

"What the fuck haley!" I heard her scream,

"I'm sorry I didn't know it's was her I though it was the other girl!" she whispered yelled.

"Will obviously it's not, help me find the bitch!" she replied,

"Ok!" the Haley girl replied

I walked out form the shadows and replied "looking for me bitches?"

"Yes bitch!"  Nikki replied

"What do you want Nikki?"  I replied with an annoyed tone and face,

"I want you to back off Camille she's mine!"  she replied

I laughed and replied "I don't think so she's mine and she's always going to be!" I told her.

She was about to step up to me put I quickly pulled up a knife towards her throat and replied "make one move , and I cut your throat bitch!"

"You wouldn't dear bitch!" she replied!"

"Try Me bitch!"  I replied pushing the Metal blade harder on her skin she cried out in pain and I slowly took the knife form her throat and said

"Leave me and Camille alone!"

"Fine but I'll will be back!" she replied,

"No you won't!" I told her walking over towards the door and closing it as Camille started to get back consciousness.

"What happened babe?" she replied

"Just an intruder I'll call the front desk and Report it?" I told her, helping her get up,

She looked down and saw our food all over the ground,

"Awww our food baby now what are we going to eat?"  she asked me sad

"Don't worry about it I'll cook us something to eat and you go find something good for us to watch this is our date night after all!" I told her.

She smiled "Alright!"  She replied

As I finished with the cooking I took some plates and put the food and took them in my hand and walked over to my soon to be wife and sat down.

"Here you go babe!" I replied handed her the plate,

"Thank you Baby!"  she replied taking it and kissing my lips,

As we continued to watch the movie I couldn't help but think Nikki will stop at nothing to get what she wants and what she wants is Camille I have to propose to her quick I thought to myself.

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