Taking it Slow..

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                        Chapter 12

The moment I walked into the house i was meant with a crying Nikki, "what's wrong I asked her whipping her tear stained face?" She took a few deep breaths and replied "I thought you left me with that crazy bitch!" I couldn't help but laugh as I pulled her into my arms and replied "she not crazy!" She gave me a look and said "not crazy she looked like she wanted to rip both our heads off she replied!" I let out a chuckle and said "ok ya you have a point but she did deserve what I did to her!" "Hey I never got the chance to ask you what happened why did she get all mad when she saw us in bed together naked she asked me with a questionable face?" "I don't know you'll think that for someone that has a boyfriend they wouldn't be mad if I wanted to or ending up being with their best friend I replied!" "Will Camille that's how Kendra is she likes to play with people emotions but when it comes back to her she starts to get salty she replied!" I couldn't help but smile at her and kissed her cheek, "what's that for she asked looking into my eyes?" I kissed her soft lips and replied "Nikki I want to be with you!" "What!she asked a little bit shocked," "I love you and I want to be with you we don't have to Rush anything we can take our relationship slow will that's if you want to be in a relationship or if you just want to be Fuck buddies! I took her hands in mine and replied "I never want to just be Fuck buddies with you I want An actually relationship with you!" "But are you willing to come out the closet for me she asked?" "I'm scared Nikki not that much people know and you are kinda Kendra's friend didn't I just ruined a friendship between you too I replied feeling guilty?" She let out the most cuties laugh and shakes her head and replied "if she can't except me being with her classmate then she's can go fuck herself and her stupid ass boyfriend too she told me threw clinching teeth. I took her hands and pulled her towards the bed and sat her down and looked into her eyes and said "I want to take you out on a date?" "You want to take me out on a date I asked her with a smile?" "Yes that's if you'll let me of course she replied!" I gave her a smile and replied "yes I'll love to go on a date with you!" She gave me a huge smile and picked me up and twirled me around placing me back on my feet and kissed my lips with so much passion I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Alright I'm going to go home and get dress!" "Why? I asked her a little bit confused?" She kissed my lips and said "I'm taking you out tonight!" "Wait What it's tonight I thought it was tomorrow night or something like that?" "Nope! How can I get to know someone if I don't start now she told me smiling and leaving my room and walking down the stairs, I watched her leave and followed her shortly after when she was at the foot of the door, "I'll pick you up at 7 she told me!" "Do I have a choice I asked her cracking a smile?" "Nope sorry not sorry she replied with a smile and walked out the door."

A Kiss Better Than A Man  (Lesbian Story Completed 2018) Where stories live. Discover now