In My Dreams Your Mines & I'm All Yours...

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Chapter 23
(Late At Night )
The Dream
I was tossing and turning as images of Kendra flashed in my head her smile and laugh was being heard all around me. I tried to reach for her but she kept slipping away form me.

"Don't leave me!" I called out to her,

"I have to!" she screamed back with a faded voice,

"Please don't I love you Kendra!"

"I love you to baby!" as she was gone in thin air.

I ran all around the emptiness surrounding me calling her name but again nothing, where did she go I thought to myself,

"I'm right here baby!" a sweet voice told me,

I turned towards the voice to see it was not Kendra but the same Nikki girl form the door.

"What do you want?" I screamed at her,

"You of course silly!" she replied giggling

"This is not funny whoever you are I told her!"

"You know exactly who I am Camille!"

"Oh ya! I asked her and who's that?" I replied,

She cracked a smile and replied "the girl you had sex with that night at the party she told me with a smirk!"

"What fucking party?" I asked her,

"The one you went to of course when you and Kendra had a falling out!" she replied walking up towards me

"How the Fuck you know about that bitch?" I asked her furious,

"I'll watch that mouth if I were you Camille!"

"Bitch to the fuck I won't i don't know you so I'll talk you however I god damn please!" I replied

She shakes her head And walks towards me swinging her hips form left to right with a smirk on her face,

"What are you doing?" I asked her,

"Finishing What I started of course!" she replied

"And what's that?" I replied

"With the rest of your memories!"

"No thank you I'm good!" I replied, about to walk off.

"Where to you think your going?" she asked me, running towards my directions,

When I looked back and saw her running I took off sprinting as she laughed like it's some kind of game of tag.

"You can run Camille but you can't hide this is an open Field there's no where to hide you might as well give up!" she told me,

"Fuck no!" I replied pushing myself to run harder, as I continued to run I saw a clearing up a head and ran faster as I was close to my freedom i got hit in the back of my head with what felt like a stone and I black out.

(End Of Dream)

I woke up with sweat all over my body as I looked around the room to see Kendra peacefully sleeping beside me with her arms wrapped around me.

"It was only a dream!" I thought

"No it wasn't!" A voice said form the door

I slowly turned my head towards it to see Nikki standing there looking at me!"

"Are you following me?" I asked her

"Now why would I do that?" she asked

"Because your a crazy ass bitch that doesn't get the hint that I don't remember your ass!" I told her

"Shhhh!"  she replied with her finger above her lips, "don't want to wake up the precious sleeping angle now do we?" she asked

I slowly turned towards Kendra to see her peacefully sleeping with a small smile on her face so I kissed her nose and lips and walked out the bed and out the bedroom door and closing it as me and Nikki walked down the stairs.

"What do you want?" I asked Nikki

"You know exactly what I want Camille!" she replied

"If I knew what the fuck You wanted would you think I'll be asking you this question Nikki?" I asked her folding my arms

"True!" she replied walking up towards me and replied "Alright here we go I want you Camille!"

I let out a laugh as I replied "oh please you never wanted me!"

"Now that's an bullshit lie and you know it!" she replied raising her voice

"Shut up!!"  I told her covering her mouth with my hand so she wouldn't wake up Kendra.

"So what will it be Camille?"  she asked me,

"What the fuck are you talking about Nikki?" I asked her

"Is it me or Kendra?" she asked looking at me

"You Already know my answer Nikki!"  I told her

"So you're picking me!" she said jumping for joy and running towards me trying to kiss me,

I pushed her back "Fuck no!" I replied "it's obviously Kendra!"  I told her pushing her out the door.

"What!!" she screamed

"I said it's Kendra not you Nikki so please leave and get the fuck out my house!"

"You'll regret this day Camille mark my word you'll regret this!"  She yelled

"Ya! Ya!" I told her finally pushing her outside and closing the door as I turned away form the door I saw Kendra standing there with tired eyes.

"Babe What are you doing up?" I asked her reaching to her side,

"I couldn't sleep because I no longer felt your warmth!" she told me Rubbing her sleepy eyes

I let out a chuckle and wrapped my arms around her waist,"Come on let's get back to bed!" I replied

"Ok!" she replied with a yawn,

I kissed her cheek and we headed back up the stairs and into our bedroom I laid her down to sleep as I joined her on the other side I hop in and kissed her cheeks

"Good night babe!" I replied

"Good night my love!" she responded with a sleepy voice, once again we fall asleep as the sun started to rise for the morning.

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