"My Future Is With Her.."

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Chapter 29

When we were done taking a shower we hopped out and walked into the bedroom.

"Alright babe go get dress and meet me downstairs ok!" I told her kissing her cheeks,

"Ok baby!" she said

"I love you!" I told her walking towards the door,

"I love you too!" she replied with her beautiful smile,

I walked out the door and into my room, I walked over towards the closet opened it and started looking around.

"Where is it?" I though to myself,

"Babe are you ok?" I heard Camille yell threw the wall,

"Yes babe just looking for something are you almost ready?" I asked

"Yes I just have to but on my heels that you told me to wear and you know I hate heels and not wear them!" she replied,

"Please babe wear them for me!" I begged,

"Fine I'll wear them for you!" she replied,

"Actually Babe never man you can wear a tux!" I screamed out

"Oh thank god I heard her say!"

I couldn't help but laugh as I found my long back out strap red dress at the far end of the closet hinging on the wall, I pick it up and put in on when I was fixing it I couldn't help but smile at myself in the mirror and walked over towards my bathroom to curly my hair and apply a little bit of makeup.

(This is what she has on and that's what her hair looks like)

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(This is what she has on and that's what her hair looks like)

As I was all done I looked myself over one more time and replied

"Damn I look good!" And walked out the door and walked over towards Camille's bedroom door and I lightly knocked,

"Babe are you almost ready?" I screamed out.

"Yes!" I heard her shout I'll meet you downstairs,

"Ok!" I replied and walked down the stairs and to the door.

As I waited for Camille by the door I heard her bedroom door open and dress-shoes walking down the steps as she came to the end of the stairs I couldn't help but check her out form head to toe she had a black dress pants a white long dress shirt, a black vest a tie and last but not lest some black shades and oh I almost forgot the hair she had it curly.

    (This is how Camille looks like )

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    (This is how Camille looks like )

"Damn Babe you look beautiful!" i told me,

"You don't look back yourself!" she replied walking over to me and kissing my lips.

"Fuck I want to fuck you right here right now!" I told her looking at her from head too toe,

"You can't we have to go you have a surprise for me remember!" she replied showing me her beautiful smile.

"Right!" I replied , and took her hand and walked out the door and into the car.

(An Hour Later)

An hour later and we have arrived to the place but before I opened the door and I turned to Camille and said

"Babe I need you to place this blindfolded on her eyes!"

"Ohh some kinky shit I love it!" she replied jumping up and down,

"No babe it's for your surprise!" I told her,

"Oh, oops! she replied" and took the blindfold form my hand and place it upon her eyes.

"Alright can you see?" I asked her,

"No!" she replied

"Good!" I told her

"Good!" she screamed "how is that good"! she replied,

I kissed the Palms of her hands and replied "it's good that you would see the surprise!"

"Oh!" she replied with a laugh

"Alright take my hands!" I told her,

As she placed her hands upon mine I got out the car with her and started leading her towards the field.

"Are we almost there?" she asked nervously,

"Yes baby almost!" I told her

When I walked a little bit further I stopped and turned around facing her and replied

"Where here you can take off the blindfold now?" I replied

She let go of my hands and it took off as her eyes adjusted to the light she covered her mouth and looked at me and replied

"What's all this Babe?"

I got down on one knee and replied "Camille I love you like there's no tomorrow, you mean everything to me, even though we had are ups and downs we always find away back to each other, I was wondering will make me the luckiest girl in the world and become my wife?" I asked,

She looked at me for a minute and replied "yes! Yes I'll marry you!"

"Yes?" I asked her,

"Yes!" she replied with tears in her eyes,

As I placed the ring on her finger and got up to kiss her when I heard a gun click, I turned my head to see Nikki standing in front of us with a gun point towards us will mostly me.

"I don't think so!" she said

"Nikki?" Camille replied,

"Camille!" she replied back

"What are you doing?" She asked

"I'm afraid you're vows will have to be cut short!" she replied.

A Kiss Better Than A Man  (Lesbian Story Completed 2018) Where stories live. Discover now