The House Party

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Chapter 14

I walked back over towards Nikki and sat down as we continued to eat. When we Where all done I put the money on the table and took Nikki's hand and walked back towards the car. When we Where driving back towards my place I turned my head towards her and replied "so I hear one of my school friends of having a party would you like to come with me I asked her?" She looked out the window for a moment hesitating if she should answer or not she took my hand and kissed my palm and replied "I'm actually kinda of tired so why don't you drop me off and you go home after!" I let out a little laugh and replied "you do realize this is your car right if I drop you off how will I get back home!" "Oh shit! Your right I'm so sorry she replied with a guilty tone!" "Don't worry about I can tell your tried so why don't I drop you off straight home and I'll take I bus back to my place I told her kissing her cheeks and pulling up in her driveway. "Wait where already here she asked I little bit shocked?" I couldn't help but laugh at her cuteness and replied "yes babe where here you see I told you your tired why don't I walk you up to your door and I'll take an Uber home!" "No I don't want you do go home by yourself babe!" "I'll be fine Nikki and don't even think about driving me back home you tired and you need some sleep why do you worry so much about me I asked her wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her neck she shivered at my touch and slipped the key in the key hole and walked inside. "Good night I told her!" "Your not coming inside she asked me with a sad face?" I chuckled at her facial expression and kissed her noses and replied "fine I'll tux you in and wait on till your fast asleep ok then I'll leave I told her walking inside with her and closing the door behind me. "Why are you trying to sneak out she asked me with a playful smile?" "Noooo!!! I said walking up the stairs with her laughing when she gives me an evil glare, you better not! "Yes mom I teased and she turned around and looked at me with seductive eyes and purred "I love when you call me mom she teased into my ear!" I shivered and she laughed and walked inside her room I was about to join her when she stopped me, "where are you going she asked me with her hands on my breast?" "I'm going to tux you in I told her in a child like voice!" She laughed and kissed my lips and replied "go home Camille you need to get ready for your party!" "Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you a little  bit more I asked her?" She shakes her head and pushed me out the door and locked it. "So I'm guessing that's a no I asked her threw the wooden door?" "Good night Camille I love you she called out and turned off the light, "I love you too I whispered back and walked down the stairs and out the door. A few traffic later I reached my house and walked up towards the door when I started getting a incoming call I took my phone out my pocket and check to see The ID it was my good friend Ida I picked up the phone and said "what's up bitch I replied with a scream!" "Your coming to my party tonight right she asked?" "Yes bitch I'm coming just let me get dress alright!" "Hurry the fuck up bitch she screamed threw the phone!" "Alright I'll be there soon I told her!" "And don't forget to wear something sexy tonight she replied and hung up the phone. Man I chick is crazy I told myself with a laugh and walked in my house and up the stairs towards my bed room when I opened the door I threw off my clothes and walked into the bathroom and took a hot nice shower. When I was done I got out and wrapped a fluffy towel around my naked body and walked into my clothes and took out short black high heels boots with a black leather jacked and some tight pants and to top it all off I pulled out I white crop top and placed it on my bed and walked over towards my dresser and took the curling iron and starting curling my long jet thick black hair,

 When I was done I got out and wrapped a fluffy towel around my naked body and walked into my clothes and took out short black high heels boots with a black leather jacked and some tight pants and to top it all off I pulled out I white crop top an...

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When I was all done I took my clothes and put them on and walked out the door and into the Uber that I called earlier. When I reached there I walked inside and all I smelled was sweat, sex and weed a lot of it for that matter so I walked around the house looking for Ida I found her near the corner and walked over towards her, I tapped her shoulder and she slowly turned around when her eyes might mine she screamed and hugged me. "All time no see Camille she said!" "You too! I replied with a smile!" "Here take a drink she handed my a glass of liquor and I gladly chugged it down she then took my hand and started leading me towards the stairs. "Where are we going I shouted over the loud music?" "To my room where it's more quiet she told me!" "Ok! I replied!" When we reached to the top she dragged me down the hall and to a sharp corner and opened a big black wooden door, when we slipped inside she pushed me on the bed closed the door and walked over to her closet. When she came back out in her hand was two small white things and I asked "what are those?" She smile and said "these my friends are joints!" "Oh your going to smoke I asked her?" "Noooo we're going to smoke she told me and put the other one down and took a lighter out her back pocket and lit the joint. When she inhaled a good amount of it and passed it over to me and said "now put it between your lips and inhale!" I need as she told me and exhale automatically when continue to take a few more puffs on till the joint was all done. "I've never felt this alive in my whole life I told her!" laying down on the soft bed, I know you haven't that's why I made you smoked something good, she quickly got up off the bed and said "hey do you want to smoke another one?" I looked at her and replied "hell ya!" She walked back towards her closet and took out another one and walked back over towards the bed she sat down and took her lighter and lit it up as we smoked all night not once leaving the room.

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