Memories Never Fades Away I Hope Not...??

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Chapter 20

6 years later

I slowly fluttered my eyes open to see four bodies surrounding me I looked around the room, confused as I try to open my mouth but it was dry.

"Camille can you hear me?"

"I don't think she can hear you Kendra replied!"

"Sis can you hear me Chase replied?"

"Babe are you ok Nikki replied grabbing my hand!"

I pulled away form her quickly and looked at them confused as I replied "how are you guys!"

"Babe What are talking about?" Nikki replied

"Who are you calling babe I don't know none of you guys GET OUT!" I screamed

"Babe please don't shut me out!" Nikki replied

"Camille please don't shut us out!" Kendra replied

"Shut the fuck up you stupid ass bitch!" Nikki screamed

"Who the Fuck are you calling stupid?" Kendra screamed to Nikki

"You bitch!" Nikki screamed

"You want to take this outside?" Kendra replied

"Shut up!" I screamed as they both shut their mouth they both looked at me with sad eyes as they tried to approach me I shake my head telling them not to come any closer they stopped and turned away.

"I'm sorry Camille!" Kendra replied

"And I love you!" Nikki repliedAs they both walked out the door,

"Do you remember me?" Chase replied with hopefully eyes

I looked at him for a minute and smiled "come give your little sister a hug!" I replied

He smiled and slowly walked over towards me he carefully hugged me and kissed my cheek, "don't ever do that again!" He replied

"Do What?" I asked him confused,

"I thought I was going to lose you the way that truck hit you I thought I lost you for sure!" he told me with tears in his eyes

I took his faces in my hands and looked into his eyes  "you'll never lose me chase you're stuck with me for life!" I told him

He let out a heart warming laugh " get some rest sis I'll come and see you tomorrow morning!" He replied

I let out a laugh and "I've been sleeping for 6 years I don't need no more sleep!" I told him.

Here I am getting discharged form the hospital everything feels weird I thought to myself, as me and chase approach his car images of the accident came flooding into my head and I slowly backed away form the car.

"What's wrong Camille?" Chase replied with a worried look,

"I don't think I can get back into another car chase!" I replied to him shaking my head

He looked towards the car and cursed "Fuck I forgot about the whole accident do you want me to call you a cab sis?" he replied,

I shake my head and gave him a small smile, "no! No!! I'm fine it'll just take me some time to get use to!" I told him slowly getting in the front seat.

When we reached my place I looked at him "thank you so much brother!" I replied and gave him a hug

"Your welcome little sis!" he replied

"Bye!" I told him as I got out the car and walked up towards my house siting on my front porch was the same girl form before, I slowly started to back away form her as she began approaching me.

"Please Camille don't run away form me!" Kendra replied

"Are you following me?" I asked

"No I just wanted to see you!" she replied

"But I told you I don't remember you!" I replied looking around for somebody to help me,

"I know it's because of the accident!" She replied with a sad tone

"What are you doing here?" I asked her

"I just wanted to come and see you!" she replied with a smile,

"But I told you I don't remember you!" I told her

"I know!" she replied looking down at the ground

"Ok so if you don't mind can you leave?" I asked her

"Alright!" she replied looking at me sweetly and walked away.

I was now taking a shower when a knocking sound was heard form the door I peeked my head form the shower curtain but then the sound stopped so I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to do my routine. When I was done I got out and wrapped a fluffy towel around my naked body when the pounding started up again I jumped form the sudden sound and rushed down the stairs but my feet were still wet and I ended up slipping down the stairs hitting my head in the process, as My body made contact with the bottom ground. The pounding form before slowly started to slip away as the world suddenly went black.

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