In Between...

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Chapter 15

(The Morning After)

I slowly opened my eyes to be met with pounding in my head. "What happened last time I thought as I looked around the room and realized I was not home but in another's home in someone else bed. I quickly turned my head beside me to see the girl form last time half naked fast asleep, "oh no! no! no! Did we Fuck I though as I could off form the bed and looked down to see that I was only in my bar and underwear. I sighed in relief and walked around the room looking for my clothes, as I got everything I was looking for of course I had to a klutz and stub my foot against the bed foot, "ah fuck I cursed" covering my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't continue to make noice but the damage has been down cause form the corner of my eye I saw her slowly getting up. She stretched for a few minutes and opened her eyes and looked towards me with a smile, and said "leaving so soon huh?" "No not at all I lied!" She let out a soft laugh and replied "oh please that line does not work on me Camille I know you where trying to sneak out before I woke up!" "That obvious huh I told her with a soft smile!" "Yup she replied!" Getting off the bed and walking towards me. "How about I go take a quick shower and I'll treat you to breakfast huh how does that sound she asked my touching my shoulders?" I smiled and replied "that sounds like a wonderful idea, she let go of my shoulders and was about to walk into the bathroom when she stopped midway and turned towards me and replied "how about you go take a shower to and I'll give you some clothes to borrow alright!" "Are you sure that's a good idea?" She smiled and said "it's fine with me you can even keep them and remind you of the good night we had together!" And with that she turned around and walked inside closing the door half way. I walked over towards the door and placed my hand upon the handle I was about to open it when I shakes my head and closed the door and walked out the room and into the hallway to use the bathroom in the guest room. As I slide off my underwear cause that was the only thing I had on I opened the shower door and walked inside and took a nice hot shower and slowly started playing the images for last time in my head. "Did I really cheated on Nikki I thought?" "What happened last night I questioned myself as I was rising off the body wash off my body. When I was rise off completely I walked out and grabbed a towel and opened the door to be met face to face with her, my face with blank and I gripped the towel that's around my me tighter onto my body she just stood there looking at me on till she spoke and said "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself to you on before we had sex! She replied!" I mind went blank and I stuttered out "we had sex last night???" She looked confused and replied "yes don't you remember you eat my pussy and everything!" Oh fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck I replied over and over again!" "What's wrong are you ok she asked me!" trying to calm me down. I stopped panicking and took some deep breaths and said "did we do anything else afterwards I asked?" "No she said and replied afterwards when you where done eating mine out and then I was done pleasuring you you where so high that you knocked out after!" "Oh ok I told her relieved!" "Are you ok?" she asked me?" "Honestly can I talk to you I asked?" "Of course! she replied" "Come here let's site down on the couch as we walked over towards it we sat down and I slowly started to take slow breaths. "Alright take your time and when your ready you can talk she told me lightly squeezing you hand. When I finally got myself together I turned to her and said "Alright here it goes!" "I'm torn in between two girls and I don't know who to choose?" She looked at me and smiled "does these two girls so happen to be Camille and Nikki she asked me?" "Yes I told her with a shocked expression "how did you know that I asked her?" She let out a cute laugh and said "you kept talking about them all night she told me!" "What I screamed out!" She laughed and replied "it's all right I know how you feel I'm to a lesbian that just came out a few weeks ago she told me!" "That's really brave of you I told her and replied "but you see I haven't told her yet and I'm scared of how she'll react I told her?" "Alright just so I'm clear you who haven't you told yet that your a lesbian she asked?" "I took a deep breath again and replied Kendra!" "Alright and Nikki does she know? she asked me?" "Yes she actually knew a long time ago I told her!" "Alright and your scared that if you tell Kendra that your a lesbian she'll reject you?" She asked I slowly shake my head and looked down to the ground she walked up in front of me and lift my head up and said "tell her!" "What I asked her?" "It's better to find out the truth then to continue getting your hopes up and using the girl she replied!" I looked at her and gave her a hug thank you aaahh.....raven my name is raven she said, I smiled and said that's a beautiful name thank you again raven and I got up off the couch and headed towards the door and walked out. "It's time form me to tell her the truth I can't keep leading them on like this, I walked over towards Nikki's house and rang the door bell, she quickly answered and said "oh it's you what do you want Camille she asked?" "I came here to tell you the truth?" "And what's that she told me?" "I'm still in love with Camille and I don't want to lead you on, I'm sorry!" She looked at me for a few moments and pulled towards her and kissed my lips softly and replied "I knew you where still in love with her I'll always be here in case you ever change your mind!" I laughed and told her thanks and walked towards Kendra's place. As I was a few minutes away I walked up on her porch and rang the door bell Kendra swing the door open and replied with a shocked face "Camille what are you doing.... i didn't let her finish because I crashed my lips upon hers and closed the door behind me, when I finally pulled away form her I looked at her and said "I have something to tell you?" She catch her breath for a few minutes and replied "What?" I looked at her and said "I'm a lesbian Kendra and I'm absolutely madly in love with you I thought I would of got you out my head with Nikki but I can't I can't keep leading her on like that so ya there's the truth Kendra I told her looking into her eyes, she was about to say something but A mans voice was coming form the stairs saying "babe who's at the door and as he came into view I saw who it was the person that was right behind Kendra and right in front of my eyes was none other then my bother Chase.

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