"Your Vows Will Be Cut Short!"

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          Chapter 30

I stood there form a far watching the girl I love being proposed form the bitch herself Kendra, she took everything form me so it's my turn to do the same to her I thought to myself.  So I walked over towards them and pointed the gun right at Kendra,

"Nikki I heard Camille called out!"

"Camille I replied!"

"What are you doing She asked?"

"Taking back what's mine I told her pointing the gun towards Kendra!"

"Nikki you don't have to do this Kendra begged!"

"Actually yes I do I told her you took everything form me and now you have the audacity to asked the girl I'm madly in love with for her hand in marriage I don't think so I replied!"

"Nikki listen to me! Camille begged why are you doing this she asked?"

"She took you away form me and she deserve to die for it I replied with fury in my eyes and voice!"

"And you think by shooting her you'll get me back she replied?"

"Maybe not but at least she'll be out of the picture I told her still pointing the gun towards Kendra!"

"Please Nikki let me be happy she begged!"

"You should be happy with me I screamed out looking into Camille eyes as Kendra in still on one knee with her hands up!"

"Nikki please put the gun down Kendra replied!"

"Shut up bitch I screamed out  with tears slowly falling down my face!"

"You know Camille all you had to do was love me I told her looking at her again!"

"But I did love you she replied!"

"That's a fucking lie I screamed out you turned me down cause you where still in love with this whore I shouted!"

Camille flinched form my tone and slowly started to back away form me but still keeping close to Kendra.

"Can you But the gun down Nikki? Kendra reasoned?"

"Let's see about that no! I replied!"

"Please Nikki just let me be happy Camille screamed out!"

I let out a laugh and replied "how about we play a game I asked her?"

"What kinda of game she asked me?"

"It's called the truth or a shot I told her!"

"And how does the game work she asked me sniffling?"

"I'm going to asked you a question and if you get it wrong I'll shot you're fiancé here got it I asked?"

"She slowly nod her head but that angered me,

"Got it I shouted!"

"Yes! She replied with tears!"

"I love you baby Kendra said!"

"I love you more Camille replied!"

"Shut up I screamed to the both of them!"

"Now Camille the love that we had was it real I asked her?"

"Yes! she breath out!"

"Good I replied your fiancé lived!"

"Next one, the day we fucked where you thinking about Kendra the whole time I asked?"

"Yes she replied!"

"You fucking bitch I screamed out!"

I took a deep breath and replied "Alright next one! "We're you just using me to get over Kendra I asked?"

She took a deep breath and replied "yes!"

"So you where fucking using me this whole time I screamed?"

"Will at first Yes but then I actually fall for you but my heart was with another she replied looking into Kendra's eyes!"

"You know Camille you don't get to have a happily ever after I replied!"

"What do you mean she asked?"

"I'm afraid your vows will have to be cut short I replied."

"What are you talking about Nikki Camille asked?"

"I'm saying if I can't have you then nobody will and I pointed the gun towards Kendra and replied

"Any last words bitch?"

"Yes! Camille she replied?"

"Yes baby she asked?"

"I love you!"

"I love you too she replied!"

This got me mad that I pointed the gun to her head and pulled the trigger, as I heard the gun go off blood splatter on my face as I heard the screams of Camille,

"Night! Night bitch I replied!"

"I hate you Nikki do you hear me I fucking hate you she screamed!"

"I love you to baby I replied as she ran over towards her dead fiancé's body.

I walked off leaving Camille to cry in agony form her lost, as I heard her crying voice call the police,

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Yes my fiancé has been shot I need an ambulance right away she replied with a cracky voice!"

"Alright ma'am the ambulance are on there way!"

"Please hurry she plead!"

I laughed as I continued to walked into the trees as Camille's voice fades away in the background and the only thing that can be heard are the birds and the sounds of the sirens approaching, they say love can make you do crazy things and come to think of it their right I shoot the girl I'm madly in love with fiancé, because I didn't want anyone else to have her.

"The moral of the story is love kills and I Nikki Miller killed Kendra out of love, and jealousy but no one will ever know that cause I'm long gone running as fast as my legs can carry me."

The End.

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