19. Into The Well We Go pt.2

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The losers searched through the sewers, yelling for Bill. Once they had finally found an opening they went through expecting to see Bull but much to their surprise, they found Beverly instead. She was floating in the air.

"Bev?" Mike whispered but she didn't break out of her trance. Ben ran towards her and pulled her down frantically.  Her eyes were white and she was frozen, her mouth was slightly agape and a look of fear was stuck on her face.

"Beverly!" Ben yelled, he was crying and they all just stood there in shock. "Why isn't she waking up?!" He asked but no one had an answer. He, in a desperate attempt to revive her pulled her into a kiss. The rest of his friends stood there awkwardly and watched as Ben pulled away. She gasped for air making everyone smile in relief.

The losers ran towards her and hugged, seemingly forgetting about the situation they were in. They were just happy she was okay.

"Georgie?" Bill asked, making them all freeze at the sight of the missing boy.

"What took you so long?" Georgie sadly asked.

"I w-was looking for you. I p-promise" Bill shakily said.

"I couldn't find my way outta' here. He said I could have my boat back Billy" Georgie whimpered.

"Was she fast?" Bill sadly laughed.

"I couldn't keep up with it" Georgie shook his head and that's when it clicked in Bill's head. This wasn't real.

"She Georgie. You call boats she" Bill reminded.

"Take me home Billy. I wanna go home. I miss you! I miss mom and dad! 'Georgie' cried as everyone watched in pity. Bill's heart broke but he continued to hold a strong expression.

"I want more than anything for you to be home. With mom and dad..I just miss you so much" Bill started. He took a step closer to Georgie with every word.

"I love you Billy" Georgie said as Bill inhaled sharply.

"I love you too Georgie. But you aren't real" Bill said, pulling out the bolt gun and shooting him in between the eyes. Georgie fell back and began to twitch erratically. The clown began to shift into it's original form as everyone watched in horror. Bill was getting ready to shoot him again but Mike realized something.

"IT'S NOT LOADED!" Mike yelled. Bill tried to get away when the clown, showing three sets of razor-sharp teeth tried to bite him. Bill dodged it with a flashlight as the two began to fight. Beverly intervened but was shut down quickly, being tossed back. The clown held onto Bill and backed away from the losers.

"Let him go!" Beverly yelled while Pennywise laughed.

"No! I'll take him! I'll take all of you as I feast on your flesh and your fear!" The clown menacingly laughed. "Or you'll just leave us be. I will take him, only him, and I will have my long rest and you will all live to grow and thrive and live happy lives until old age will take you back into the weeds" The clown tried to negotiate but the losers weren't going to give up that easy.

"Leave! Im the one who dragged you i to all of this s-so leave! Go!" Bill yelled.

"No" Victoria simply stated. "I don't know about these guys but im not leaving" She promised. Richie let go of his girlfriends hand and walked forward slowly. "Rich.." She started.

"It's okay" He smiled, turning back at her. She was about to take a step forward too but Stan held her back.

Stanley Uris may have talked alot of shit to Victoria. She annoyed him 99% of the time with her crude humor and awful puns. She may have teased him constantly while he returned the favor but he loved her like a sister. He felt obligated to protect her and he wasn't going to let her do this. This seemed like something Richie had to do by himself.

"I told you Bill. I fucking told you. I don't wanna die and this is your fault. You punched me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you brought me into this fucking crack house, you made me break up with Victoria and then you fucking kissed her right in front of me! And now, im gonna have to kill this fucking clown!" He yelled picking up a metal bat.

"WELCOME TO THE LOSERS CLUB ASSHOLE!" Richie yelled, striking the clown on the head.

Burnt hands came out of the clowns throat, choking Mike as the sound of people screaming in pain could be heard. Stan interrupted by hitting the clown with a metal pipe. The clown turned to him as Judith and Stan screamed before hitting the clown once again.

Ben stabbed it next, making the clown turn to him as a mummy. The rotting flesh could be seen in between the bandages as Ben stared in shock until Bill whacked Pennywise with chains he had found on the ground.

The clown finally hunched over, shocking everyone. He slowly turned into the leper and began to cough loudly before throwing up black goo all over poor Eddie Kaspbrak. Everyone fell silent and watched in awe as Eddie snapped, lunging towards the clown. "IM GONNA KILL YOU!" He yelled, kicking the clown in the head.

He had turned into Beverly's dad and she stared in shock. "Hey Bevvy. Are you still my little girl?" He asked as Beverly kicked him as hard as he could in the dick. He doubled over in pain and looked up at Victoria. He had shifted into her mother.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT HE LEFT! YOU'RE FUCKING USELESS!" It yelled as Victoria decided she had had enough. She picked a metal pipe off of the ground and began to hit the clown.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU! IT'S NOT MY FUCKING FAULT!" Victoria yelled, hitting the clown repeatedly. The clown moved a coupled inches back after every blow but Victoria refused to stop.

"AND I DIDN'T WANT YVETTE TO DIE! I FUCKING LOVED HER!" She admitted, that was the first time she said that she loved her sister. "I NEVER EVEN FUCKING KNEW HIM! I WAS A BABY SO DON'T BLAME IT ON ME YOU FUCKING BITCH!" She yelled, as the clown tried to retreat into an even deeper drain. The clown was angry and in a fit of rage it grabbed her by her sisters necklace that she had been wearing. Luckily Richie was right behind her and he pulled her back, ripping the necklace off.

"NO!" Victoria yelled as she watched the necklace fall down the drain. Everyone watched as the clown trembled in fear. He was afraid of her. His skin started to slowly peel away as everyone stood there silently watching.

"Fear" It said before disappearing completely.

"Fuck" Victoria panted as everyone looked at her in shock. They never thought she would be capable of that.

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