17. Victoria's Birthday

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A/N lol so this is a way to apologize for the last chapter but it's going to be very short

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MOST AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL PERSON TO EVER FUCKING EXIST!" Richie yelled, rushing into Victoria's room with balloons.

She was straightening her hair and blushed at his compliment. "Rich. You didn't have to get me anything but thank you. You're adorable" She gushed and he scoffed.

"This isn't your present. You'll see your real present later and I really hope you love it" He smiled, kissing her.

"Im sure I will" She smiled.

"You look beautiful as always babe" He complimented.

"Thank you love" She smiled at his reaction. He loved it when she called him that.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICTORIA!" Her friends yelled as soon as they saw her. Although they were in the woods, they had decorated slightly. They had a sign that read 'happy birthday' and a couple of streamers. They were all wearing party hats

"Thank you guys!" She smiled. They all took turns hugging her as she laughed at how dorky they looked in their party hats.

"Y'know he really loves you. He planned all of this" Bev explained, referring to Richie.

"Awwww, Rich!"

"Shut up" He mumbled.


"He tried to stab Eddie with a plastic fork for not cooperating!" Ben yelled explaining the extreme measures Richie had taken when planning everything.

"It was traumatic" Eddie shook his head as Victoria laughed.

"Im so sorry Eds" She continued laughing as Richie stared at her with nothing but love in his eyes.

"You have him whipped" Stan teased and Richie blushed.

"Nuh-uh!" Richie defended and they all stared at him with a 'really?' look. He knew he was lying to himself. Everyone did. He was absolutely devoted to Victoria. "Maybe just a lil' bit" He admitted.

"You're so cute" She gushed as her friends watched and groaned at them.


After a day of of presents and cake Richie and Victoria finally went back to our house.

"Wait! Close your eyes!" Richie yelled as they reached her room. She did as she was told and he began to guide her in. "You can open them now" He instructed and took her hands away from her eyes.

"No you fucking didn't" She gasped.

"Oh yes I did"

"It's a-it's a pet lizard!" She excitedly yelled. He had gotten her a lizard with its own tank full of rocks and it also came with a heating lamp.

"Do you like it?"

"I...love it" She sniffled and began to cry.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing! I just love it so much!" She choked out and hugged him. "I love you Richie!"

"I love you too and our son...Nigel jr."

"Thank you so much" She happily said and kissed him softly. He wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss. He pushed her against the wall as she pulled him closer, her hands on his neck. She pulled apart as Richie groaned impatiently.

"We can't do this in front of our child!" She gasped.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

A/N im sorry this was so short but it was just a bonus chapter of sorts

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