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Prompt: Can you do one when her mother finds out she had a baby
Requested by: lyssa10155

"Rich please put that back. We don't need it" Victoria sighed.

"But we don't own any sporks and that's a serious problem!" He complained, making Victoria raise an eyebrow at him. He got the idea and put it back.

When they were paying Victoria saw someone she thought she would never see again. Her mother.

"Rich. Wh-my mom's here" She choked out and Richie widened his eyes.

"Okay. You take Mia back to the car and I'll pay" He offered, giving her the car keys as she nodded. She grabbed a one-year-old Mia, who did nothing but smile at her before walking out of the store. She strapped her in to the carseat before sitting in the drivers seat.

"Mama?" Mia asked and Victoria smiled. Mia's vocabulary consisted of mama, DAD (yes, it had to be yelled), orange and lizard.

Richie finally came back to the car, putting the groceries in the trunk before getting in. He got in to the passenger seat and looked worriedly at his wife.

"DAD!" Mia yelled as both Victoria and Richie laughed.

"Yes Mia?"

"DAD!" She yelled once again.

"Okay. Great talk"


Richie was talking to Mia although he knew she didn't understand a word he had said. Victoria listened as she pretended to watch t.v. The doorbell rang and Vic got up to answer it. She opened the door and gasped loudly when she saw her mother standing there.

"Why are you here?" Victoria angrily asked.

"I came to see my granddaughter" She simply spoke.

"Well you don't have one" Victoria said as her mother looked at her in disbelief.

"DAD!" Mia yelled, making Victoria wince.

"You just never know when to shut up do ya'? Guess that's one thing you get from your parents" He cooed, before taking her in another room to put her down for a nap.

"Please leave" Victoria said.

"No, she's my granddaughter and I have a right to see her"

"Listen Maria, you lost all of your rights a long time ago so get the hell away from me, Richie and Mia. You aren't welcome here and never will be so kindly fuck off"

"You're just being dramatic. I was there for you and this is how you repay me?"

"You hated me! After Yvette died you would barely even look at me! You fucking abused me! You made me hate myself so yeah, im repaying you by getting you out of my life" Vic angrily yelled. "Leave."

"No" Her mother sneered.

"Leave within the next minute or I call the cops" She threatened.

"You wouldn't"

"We both know she would so leave" Richie added, getting in front of Victoria protectively.

"You aren't a part of this"

"I couldn't protect Vic from you when I was a kid but I can now and I think you're forgetting this is my wife you're talking to so I am very much involved" Richie spoke. "If by the time I open this door and you're still here, I'll call the cops" Richie said, slamming the door. He looked at Vic sadly, sending a weak smile towards her direction. They stood there for a couple of minutes before hearing a car pull out of their driveway. Richie opened the door and to his relief she was gone.

"W-what if she comes back?"

"Hey, im not gonna let her hurt you ever again. Or Mia. I promise you won't have to worry about her anymore" He comforted, hugging his wife. She began to cry softly out of fear and frustration but he stopped her.

"She's made you cry enough. Don't let her make you cry today too"

"You're right" Vic smiled weakly, wiping the tears off her face. "God, I love you"

"And I love you"

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