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Okay so this is basically just funny quotes about the losers so only read if you want to.

Stan, getting up in front of a crowd and tapping the microphone: *clears throat* Hi, so quick PSA. I would die for Victoria Peña. Okay thanks, bye.


Victoria: Hey Stan, what's a metaphor?
Stan: My life is a train wreck
Victoria: I know, but what's a metaphor?
Stan: ...


Mike: Be the bigger person
Eddie: No, im 5'1 and bitter. You be the bigger person


Richie: I have something I would like to get off of my chest
Victoria: Is it your shirt? I hope it's your shirt.


Stan: I don't like it
Bill: You don't like anything
Stan: I like sleep and you

Beverly: Listen up fives, a ten is speaking


Ben: What I want? Snuggles. What I get? Struggles.


Victoria as Pennywise chokes her: Guys, my horoscope said I was gonna have a good year, I got this


Richie: Victoria put salt in my coffee because I annoyed her but I'm going to continue to drink it because I'm petty and won't let her win


Mike, while everyone is arguing while holding a quilt with everyone's faces on it: GUYS I MADE A UNITY QUILT! PLEASE BE HAPPY!


Richie: When have I done anything rash or irresponsible?
Bill: I keep a list. It's alphabetized.


Stan, on his death bed: My one final wish is to have Richie right by my side....so I can tell him to go to hell one more time


Bill: But I can't go outside. Im allergic to pollen and social situations


The losers club sits together in a circle, passing a bottle around;

Bill: Is this whiskey or cologne?

Beverly *grabbing the whole thing and drinking it*: It's cologne

Pennywise, as Stan: Shoot him! He's the clown!

Victoria, pointing the gun at Pennywise: The real Stanley Uris would never give up the chance to die!


Eddie: I wanna do a sick kickflip while yelling "im gay!" but I don't own a skateboard and I also don't know how to do a kickflip so now I'm sad


Victoria: I want to wear a cute skirt and crop top to the party tonight but also I'm really tired so I might end up wearing crocs. I'll still look hot though


Richie @ Bill: What the fuck is up Bill?! No, what dis you say?! What the fuck dude?! Step the fuck up Bill!

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