08. Code Yellow

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"Where have you been?" Victoria asked as her mother stumbled through the house. It was almost 12 in the morning on a weekday and she was barely getting home.

"None of your business" She snapped as Victoria nodded.

"I cleaned up for you and if you get hungry there's some chicken I made in the fridge" Victoria spoke softly.

"Thank you" Her mother sighed, she was tired.

"No problem" Victoria smiled at her mother and she returned the favor.

Maria Peña may have hated her daughter with a burning passion sometimes. It was her fault that Jose left and he was everything to her. But on the rare occasion Victoria and Maria got along quite well.

Victoria may have been calm on the outside but on the inside she was fuming. Her mother needs to own up to her shit. She can't expect her to do everything for her, she had a life too. But Victoria did it because she loved her but no matter how hard she tried she was never returned the love and affection from her mother that she craved.

"I-I think im gonna go to bed. It's really late" Vic spoke, emphasizing the word late. She knew she made a mistake by saying that but it was too late to take it back.

"Who the fuck are you to make me feel bad?" Her mother angrily asked.

"I-I swear I didn't mean it that way. Im sorry" She whimpered the last part, knowing what was coming. Tears welled in her eyes as her heart rate sped up and her hands became shaky.

Victoria Peña was fucking terrified of her mother.

"No! Obviously you did! Otherwise you wouldn't have said it!" Maria yelled.

"I- don't know why I said it! Im sorry! Im sorry! Im s-" She was stopped by her mother slapping her in the face, hard. She immediately brought her hands to the irritated area and began to feel a familiar metallic taste growing in her mouth.

"GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Her mom yelled as she shakily nodded, walking upstairs.

As soon as she reached her room she locked the door behind her and started to cry. She sat on her bed and tried to calm herself but it was no use. She cried harder and harder and she found it harder and harder to breathe. She stared at her shaky hands as everything became echoey. She couldn't feel. She could only cry. She slowly reached for the walkie-talkie on the nightstand and brought it to her mouth.

"Richie please. I-I sh-she. It's a code yellow!" She choked out.

Victoria and Richie had walkie-talkies that they could use whenever they wanted. To make things easier they set up a code system.

Code blue: Im bored so let's talk
Code black: Im bored so come over or let me come over
Code red: Im hungry
Code white: Let's prank someone
Code orange: Stan is mad at us and we should apologize
Code green: Bill is mad at us and we should apologize
Code pink: Eddie is mad at us and we should apologize
Code beige: My parents are home and I don't want to be around them so please let me come over
Code purple: I got in a fight with my parents so please come over or let me come over
Code yellow: My parent hit me so please let me come over or you come over

Victoria was the only one who used code yellow.

Richie was laying on his bed when he received the message and he got up with a start, grabbing the walkie-talkie and rushing to his window that overlooked Victoria's.

"Fuck! Okay you come over!" He yelled as he looked at her through the window.  He ran towards his front door and waited for her to arrive. When she finally did he pulled her inside and brought her to his room. They sat on his bed as she quietly sniffled.

"Shit. She got ya good" He said, moving the hair out of her face and looking at the red mark on her face.

"Yep" Victoria sighed. "Where do you keep your jerk-off tissues?" She asked and his eyes widened.


"I need tissues and I know for a fact that you keep tissues in here" She laughed.

"You know me well" He said, grabbing a box of tissues from one of his drawers. She laughed and took the box away from him.

Once she had stopped crying and cleaned herself up they just sat there quietly. Richie held her hand and kissed her forehead.

"Im sorry" He sighed.

"Don't be. You didn't do it" Victoria answered softly. They heard a call pull up into the driveway and Richie practically flinched when the front door slammed shut. Lucky for them his dad went straight to bed, forgetting about Richie. Victoria took notice of Richie's uncomfortableness and began to draw circles over his knuckles with her fingers.

"You okay?" She asked and Richie nodded. She turned his face towards hers and connected their lips, kissing him softly. Richie eagerly kissed her back. He pushed her against the headboard of the bed and straddled her as he deepened the kiss.

"I love you" He mumbled against her lips.

"I love you t-" She was cut off by Richie shoving his tongue in her mouth. She laughed at her boyfriend's eagerness and began to play with his hair. She tugged on it, emitting a groan from Richie and that only made him kiss her harder. They got so into the moment that when Richie tried to pull apart to kiss her neck Victoria slammed her head on the headboard of his bed.

"Ow!" She said as the two best friends began to laugh.

"Sorry babe" He laughed.

It seemed as if im that moment they had forgotten everything that happened with their parents. They forgot what was happening with the clown and children missing and all they could focus on was each other. It was 1 in the morning and as everyone either slept or drank to forget they were making out in Richie's room. They were happy even though their lives were far from it.

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