05. Nigel!

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Richie and Victoria woke up with a start, as his phone began to ring. Vic groaned and placed a pillow over her head as Richie answered.


"Richie! G-go to Bev's now!" Bill yelled before hanging up.

"Who was it?" Victoria asked, he voice muffles by the pillow.

"It was Bill and he said to go to Beverly's right now" He explained as Vic groggily got up.

"Did he say what happened?"


"What the fuck is going on?" Victoria irritably asked.

"It's best if I show you" Bev shook her head. "Wait. My dad will freak if he finds out I had boys in the house"

"Don't worry! Richie will keep watch!" Eddie assured as Richie rolled his eyes.

"What am I supposed to do if he shows up?!" Richie asked.

"Do what you always do! Start talking!" Stan yelled.

"Wait! Vic, stay with me!" He pleaded as she sighed. She looked over at her friends as they gave her a 'you better stay' expression.

"Fine Rich!" She yelled, walking back towards her best friend as he smiled with a look a victory. Beverly led the other boys towards the bloodbath that is her bathroom as Vic and Richie stayed outside, unaware of what was going on. The two friends sat on a bench right next to each other.

"So! What's happening in your life?!"

"Nothing you don't already know. Seriously Rich, we spend all of our time together" She laughed.

"Yep. I really am starting to get sick of you" He teased.

"Maybe I'll just hang out with Daniel" She narrowed her eyes, knowing about Richie's dislike towards the boy.

"Why would you wanna do that?!"

"Well why not? You're getting sick of me and he likes me, I mean, he's not bad to look at" She shrugged as Richie tried to contain his jealousy.

"I was just kidding Vic! Take a chill pill!" He yelled dramatically.

"You take a chill pill, I would never leave you trashmouth" She said in a baby voice, pinching his cheeks as he blushed. He swatted her hand away as she laughed at him.

They both stared in each others eyes and then began to laugh, not being able to take one another seriously. The rest of the losers watched through the window, each making their own commentary on the best friends.

"How are they not dating?!" Beverly asked in an exasperated tone.

"If you think it's bad try living with it since 1st grade" Stan scoffed as Bill and Eddie nodded in agreement.

"They'll end up together. I know it" Ben added.

"God, I hope not. They're almost the exact same person, imagine how annoying their kids will be" Eddie shuddered.

"They would be nice t-together. Sh-she makes him less of an asshole" Bill laughed.

"Dude! Im gonna get braces soon!" Victoria complained.

"Hah! You're gonna be a brace-face and a four-eyes!" Richie yelled.

"Shut up Richie" She sighed. "You're a four-eyes too"

"I won't argue with you there"

"Jesus fuck! What's taking them so long?!" Victoria asked, leaning against Richie.

"I don't know! Im fucking hungry!" Richie whined.

"I'll make you dinner tonight" Victoria offered.

"Fuck yeah!" He happily yelled, giving her a high-five.

"I know, im awesome" She blushed as he put his arm around her shoulder.

"Can you make mac and cheese?"

"Would I ever make anything else?" She asked, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Victoria making Richie dinner was a common occurrence. It happened at least once a week. She would make the two of them dinner and they would sit on the roof of his house as they ate, talking about random things. Victoria usually stayed over these nights and would try to force Richie to wash the dishes before giving up and doing it herself. It was at times like these that Richie was the most thankful for Victoria. She cared about him more than anything and actually believed in him. She saw past the jokes and cussing and she saw someone who was like her. Someone that wanted attention, someone that wasn't happy. Not many people did that. No one ever gave him a chance, everyone just thought of him as a loser who never knew when to shut up. 

"Remember when you tried to make spaghetti?" Vic laughed.

"It was hard, okay?!" Richie defensively yelled as she giggled.

"That's what she said!" Victoria laughed, reaching her hand out for a high-five.


Eddie, Bill, Stan, Ben and Beverly finished cleaning the bathroom a couple of hours later. They walked outside and saw Victoria and Richie chasing something.

"I got it! Can we name it Nigel?!" She excitedly asked as Stan deeply sighed.

"What did you guys catch now?!" Stan yelled like a mother scolding two children.

"Nothing" Both Richie and Victoria said in unison.

"What if whatever you caught has rabies?!" Eddie worriedly asked.

"Im pretty sure lizards can't get rabies!" Riche yelled as Vic glared at him.

"How dare you sell our child out like that?! I would slap you if I could!" She yelled.

"Give us th-the lizard Vic" Bill pleaded as both her and Richie shook their heads no.

"Is this what they're always like?" Beverly chuckled.

"Yes" Bill, Stan, Eddie, Victoria and Richie said at the same time.

"Im sure there's other lizards out there!" Ben said.

"This is our child you're talking about!" Victoria yelled as Richie placed his arm around her waist.

"Oh my fucking god there's two of you! You guys are literally the same person but opposite genders!" Stan yelled.

"Why can't we keep the fucking lizard?!" Richie yelled.

"Are you guys 5?!" Eddie asked.

"Yes" Victoria answered.

"Let go of the fucking lizard Vic" Stan warned, stepping closer.

"No" She said, they were now standing about and inch away from each other and Stan slapped her cupped hands that were holding the lizard. It fell to the ground and ran away.

"Nigel!" Vic and Richie yelled.

"How could you just kill their lizard son like that?!" Bev asked as Richie and Victoria hugged each other, pretending to cry.

"You monster!" Victoria fake-sobbed

"IT WAS A FUCKING LIZARD!" Stan yelled as everyone shook their heads at him.

"Maybe to you he was!" Richie yelled.

"But seriously, why were you guys chasing a lizard?" Ben asked.

"You guys were taking forever and we got bored" Victoria shrugged.

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