18. Into The Well We Go pt.1

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Victoria was at the arcade with Richie, they were trying to beat each others high score on Street Fighter.

"Im totally gonna win babe"

"You wish" She rolled her eyes.

"I don't have to wish, I already know" He cockily said, making her smile.

"Vic! Richie!" They heard someone yell. They both turned around and saw all of their friends, excluding Beverly running towards them.

"What's up?" Vic asked.

"It's got Beverly" Ben urgently said, making Richie and Victoria widen their eyes.

"Oh shit"


The losers club pulled up to the all-too-familiar house, staring nervously at the giant dilapidated house. Bill was the first to walk up to it. They all followed except for Stan. They all turned towards him.

"Aren't you coming?" Victoria asked.

"Sh-shouldn't one of us keep watch?" He nervously asked.

"It's like B-Beverly said. He w-wants us to s-split up. We have to st-stick together" Bill said, making Stan sigh.

"B-but I don't want to" He said, his voice was shaky and everyone could see the tears forming in his eyes.

"We need you Stan. We're a team"  Victoria reassured him. Stan nodded in defeat, walking towards his friends.

They made their way through the house, the floor creaked with almost every step. They all expected something to pop out around every corner but nothing ever did. They stood in front of the well. Bill shone a flashlight into the depths and it seemed to never end.

"Hey Eddie, got a quarter?" Richie joked.

"Who the fuck would wanna make a wish in that thing?" Eddie asked. He was startled when Ben yelled Beverly's name, hoping to hear something. He never did.

"How are we supposed to get down there?" Mike asked as everyone began to look for something that would help. Bill found a rope with knots in it and showed his friends and they all agreed that it would be suitable.

"Ladies first?" Eddie asked, making Victoria sigh.

"Ha ha ha. Nope. I will" Richie protectively said, moving his girlfriend out of the way. He began to climb down and Victoria  held her breath.

"Be careful Rich." She winced as he moved his way down. He made it to an opening that led to the sewers and called for one of them  to go next.

Vic went next, followed by Eddie, Ben, Stan and Bill. Mike was at the top still and they waited for him to come down. We heard Mike yell as if he were in pain and they all began to look for him.

"MIKE!" They all yelled as they saw the one and only Henry Bowers look down at them.

"You fucker! Let him go!" Victoria yelled angrily as he chuckled. He went out of sight and all his friends could do was listen to what was happening above them. It suddenly went silent and the only thing Vic could hear was the heavy breathing of those around her mixed with her own heartbeat. Suddenly they heard a scream and watched Henry fly down the well. They all froze on shock, not knowing what to say. They all snapped out of it and looked up at Mike.

"Are you okay?!" Richie yelled.

"Yeah, im fine" He panted. He reached for the ammo for the bolt gun but knocked it down. "NO!" He yelled as it flew past his friends below.

"Its okay. W-we're just glad y-you're safe" Bill said, making everyone nod. Mike began to make his way down and they all smiled in relief.

"Wait. Where's Stan?" Eddie yelled, making them divert their attention to where he should have been.

"Oh no" Victoria said, quietly.

"STAN! STANLEY!" Eddie began to yell as his friends followed him through the sewers.

When they found him the woman in the painting, otherwise known as Judith had been pretty much eating his face. Richie protectively put an arm around Victoria as they stared at the grizzly sight in front of them. She stopped at the sight of the losers and retreated, smiling the whole time. They all watched in shock as she went out of sight.

"YOU LEFT ME! YOU GUYS AREN'T MY FRIENDS!" He sobbed as they all hugged him tightly, reassuring they would never leave him on purpose. Once he calmed down they pulled apart and sat there in silence. It didn't last for long though, seeing as Richie noticed Bill was gone.

"Where did Bill go?" Richie asked as everyone looked around but Bill was nowhere in sight. "Bill!"

The losers all began to follow the tunnel where the clown had been before. Richie pulled Vic back and kissed her passionately, confusing her.

"What was that for?" She asked, when they pulled apart.

"I just want you to know that I love you" He was nervous, he didn't want what happened in his dream to happen in real life. He wasn't going to lose her.

"I love you too Richie"

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