Venticinque ~ Pretty Things

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Iris ~

As soon as Percy had left, and Nico was alone with her, she glanced at him.

Nico glanced back, smiling softly.

Iris returned the soft smile, and began to speak again.

"Meet me here after dinner tomorrow?" She questioned.

Nico nodded happily.

"Okay. Deal, bye Iris." He told her, walking out of her room.

Iris sighed. This was gonna be a long night.

As soon as dinner was over the next day, Iris and Nico raced to her room.

"You wanna help me dress up again? Maybe help me paint my nails?" She questioned. Nico chuckled, nodding.

He smirked, "What color this time? Orange, blue, purple, or pink?" He asked, kneeling by the bed to retrieve the polishes.

Iris thought for a moment, Nico pulling the nail polish out and setting the bottles on the floor.

"Hm." She hummed, looking at each color.

There was a dark orange, a pastel blue, a lilac looking purple, and a pastel pink.

"Purple." She decided, pushing a long curl behind her ear.

Nico smiled.

"Glitter?" He asked, holding three bottles between his fingers.

Iris smiled. "You know me so well!" She said, happily sitting down.

"I'd say the dark purple." Nico commented, his eyes trained on the glitters. (Dark violet, black, and white)

Iris nodded in agreement, showing her bare nails to Nico.

"So pretty." Iris squealed as the polish tickled her fingernails (A/n: Am I the only one who has this happen?).

Nico gave another smile, happily painting her nails.

"Thanks for doing this." Iris said, watching as Nico dipped the brush into the polish again.

Nico looked up at her. "It's no problem. It's kind of fun." He admitted, quickly placing some purple glitter over her wet nails.

Nico then blew on them, the glitter spreading in the air.

"Ah!" Iris exclaimed, both demigods laughing as the glitter rained down on them. Iris giggled, the glitter raining down to her hair.

"Hey Iris." Nico said, Iris looked at him. "What's up?" She asks.

"What's your middle name?" He questioned, using his hand to brush some glitter off or Iris's cheek.

She froze, thinking for a moment.

After blushing from Nico's contact, she answered.

"I guess I want it to be. . . Esperanza." She admitted, a small blush returning.

Nico nodded.

"That's a pretty name." He commented. Iris nodded.

"It was my mother's name." She whispered to him. Nico gave a small smile. "That's cool. Wish my mom was still around. Her name was Maria." He said.

Iris looked at his dark, sad eyes.

"It's okay." She paused, "My mom isn't here either. She died in a fire."

Nico looked at her.

"My mom died from Zeus."

Iris gave a sad chuckle. "Fates are cruel." She said, watching as Nico slowly puts a coat of clear polish over the lilac polish and glitter.

Nico nodded in agreement.

"Too cruel." He added. Bringing her hand to his lips and blowing on her nails.


"No problem. They look good."

Idk. Just. Idk. Here's a chapter I guess? Not my best. But probably not my worst.

- Bridget

Pretty Things (A Pjo, HoO, & A Valdangelo Fanfic) ✅Where stories live. Discover now