Quaranta ~ Pretty Things

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Iris ~

"I am Iris Julia Valdez." Iris managed to say, her grin feeling as if it was splitting her face in half. Nico looked confused for a moment.

"I thought your middle name was Esmeralda?" He questioned. Iris sighed, looking at her exposed toes. She gave a small shake of her head. Hair dangling down the sides of her face.

"I couldn't do that to her. The more I thought about it, the more I thought about how she wasn't very accepting– and I love her. But I won't place my new name next to a woman who didn't support me while I attempted to transition in my own way." Nico parted his lips, but gave her a nod.

Iris blushed, "Its kinda stupid." She trailed, Nico shook his head again. His glare fixed soully on her face. "Never. It's never stupid because it makes sense. You don't want a reminder of that." Nico took a breath, and Iris looked up.

"I love you. And I can't seem to get over it."

"I do to—" Nico was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Leo? The shirt you got me was too small, so I'm giving it to you. You in he–" Iris gasped, quickly pulling down her skirt.

It revealed a pair of shorts. Nico blushed as he turned. Jason was at the door, the open door. He stared at Iris, and then at Nico.

His eyebrows furred in confusion, yet curiosity.

"What's going on?" He asked, voice hardening. Nico gulped, as did Iris. Holding Nico's hand, she eyes Jason again.

"We're trying on clothes?" Iris suggested. Her eyes quickly scanning his body in nervousness. She then saw the Death Note shirt in his hands.

"I'll take that. Thanks bro." Iris moved fast-paced towards the son of Jupiter. But he stepped away. "I'm dreaming of Equality?" He read, obviously confused.

"You know, how all of us are equal. Regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, etc." Iris suggested, adding a strangled laugh. Nico added his own weak chuckle, trying to help his girlfriend kill the tension.

Jason looked at the lace.

"Isn't that a bit. . ." He couldn't seem to find the right word. Iris bit her tongue, snatching the shirt from Jason.

"It's a bit awesome. Now get out, Nico and I have somethings to discuss." She snapped, finally loosing it. Trying to blink back tears, she shoved the door open.

"Out." She ordered, head down as she pointed to the door.

Jason exited, Nico instantly at Iris's side.

"You okay?" He asked, biting his lip. "I wasn't ready." Nico sighed, pulling her into a hug. "It's going to be okay. He doesn't completely know." Nico murmured, kissing Iris's forehead softly.

Iris just shuttered. Failing to melt into Nico's embrace.

I'm in love with that song!!! It's always played at such sad parts in Grey's Anatomy. Aka in season eleven.

- Bridget

Pretty Things (A Pjo, HoO, & A Valdangelo Fanfic) ✅Where stories live. Discover now