Quartantuno ~ Pretty Things

750 37 17

Jason -

Jason walked away. His mind buzzed with unanswered questions, and he couldn't help but continue walking. His blue eyes staring at his sneakers.

"Iris." He spoke, trying to come to terms with what he had just seen.

And it all made sense. The new hairdo. The relationship with Nico (to some degree). Everything started to fall into place.

"L– Iris is transgender." He stated quietly, coming to a stop.

Leaning against the wall, he fell to his knees. His eyes glossed over, and his head fell in between his bent knees.

A memory was sprouting. He thought he had received all his memories– I guess not. Jason thought, right before being thrown into a painful memory.

Her name was Katherine. Katherine Woods. But that didn't settle with him. Like, it seemed wrong, but that's the only name he could remember for the person in front of him.

That's all Jason could think as the short haired, small– maybe– Katherine Woods giggled happily. She was wearing a pair of dark jeans, her fingers raw and bloody as she continued to climb.

She didn't seem to care.

The rocks felt unstable to Jason, but he couldn't tell her– couldn't move.

"Come on Jason!" She shouted, but her voice was cracking. Unwillingly, Jason started to move. The son of Jupiter climbing up the rocks to reach her.

Japan wanted to tell himself to stop. To stay close to the ground, but he couldn't do anything. He wasn't in control.

"Wait up!" Jason heard his voice shout. He sounded younger, maybe 11?  He wasn't so sure at this point.

Catching up to Katherine he grinned. "What's so important you need to send us all the way here for?" Jason questioned, making Katherine's small smile turn into a frown.

Now he was confused.


"I'm a boy." She stated, staring at the bottom of the rocky ledge they decided to sit on. "I'm confused." Jason told her–him?

"I was born in the wrong body. So now, I'm saying goodbye to the one person who cares." Katherine told Jason. The dark haired preteen wiping a tear from his face.

Jason started to stand, "You can't do this! What ar–" "I'm not thinking." Katherine interrupted him.

"Not anymore. What's the point?" The ledge felt shaky to Jason. Dread gathering in his chest. Katherine's eyes didn't meet Jason's. Legs swinging as his eyes were planted below them.

"Bye." Katherine stated, before pushing off.

"No!" Jason screamed, too late to try to grab Katherine.

"My name, is Jackson." He whispered, words overlapping the wind that spun around Jason. His powers going out of control as Jackson's body hit a rock. Shattering his spine, and then, his head was crushed by a fallen rock– the rock having been pushed by Jason's powers.

"J-Jackson!" Jason cried, staring at his battered body.

Jason gasped, eyes stinging with tears. "I'm not letting that happen again." He decided, standing up shakily.

"Not to my friend. Never again." He vowed quietly, starting to sprint to Iris's room.

Pretty Things (A Pjo, HoO, & A Valdangelo Fanfic) ✅Where stories live. Discover now