Chapter 33

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Chapter 33:

Shelby's POV

I wake up to see Niall is still asleep, probably jet leg since its only 9 in the morning. I sneak up to my room and get ready.

When I get it the kitchen the other three boys are already in there. I guess thy snuck in last night after we fell asleep.

"Have a nice sleep?" Shea asks in an obnoxious tone and I just roll my eyes.

"Yes I did thank you!" I say.

Uncle Lenny shoves a bowl of Cheerios in my face, "Here." he says and turns back to his magazine.

"Wow someone's a little grumpy!" I say.

"Lenny and his girlfriend are in a fight right now." my dad explains and I nod. "So can you tell us why Niall is here?"

"It's kind of a long story." I mumble, pouring the milk in my cereal.

"Does it have anything to do with this?" Lenny says as he shoves the magazine in my face.

There is a giant blown up picture of Sean kissing me. the worst part is it looks like I'm kissing him back since my hand is on his chest. 'Shelby Marie Williams, Niall Horan's (One Direction) girlfriend was caught kissing Niall's long-time friend, Sean Cullen. They were said to have had a relationship before Niall and her started dating, but has it actually ever stopped? This picture was taken yesterday outside her dad's house. Later Niall showed up, away from his tour, just to see her.'

"Uh yea." I mumble.

"and?" they all say in unison.

"Sean kissed me and I pushed him off. Niall knows, that's why he's here. He wanted to make sure I-" I trail off. "Was okay."

They nod and i continue eating. It is awkwardly silent for a while. Niall walks sleepily into the kitchen and pecks my cheek.

"Morning." I say, smiling.

"Hey babe." he says in his sexy sleepy voice.

"PDA guys." Shea mumbles and I blush.

Niall sits beside me and Lenny hands him a bowl of Cheerios, then they all walk out of the kitchen. Niall scarfs them down in less than a minute and turns to me.

"I wanna take you somewhere." he whispers.

"Where?" I giggle.

"I don't know. The Bahamas!" he says and I literally choke on my breakfast.

"The Bahamas? Why?"

"Because! It will be fun!"

"Okay." I laugh. "When?"



"Yes today."

"We'll okay then! Let's go on a vacation!" I say. He stands and kisses me before dumping our dishes in the sink.

"Great. Let's get you packed, then we'll go to my place." he says as he grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs, back into my room.

I start piling my summer clothes into my suitcase then I walk to the bathroom and get my toiletries. When I walk back in, he's holding a black and yellow polka dot bikini.

"You have to bring this!" he says enthusiastically.

"No! That is for tanning purposes only!" I say, grabbing it away from him.

"But there will be plenty of tanning in there!" I roll my eyes and he takes it and puts it in my suitcase.

"Okay, I think that's all then!" I say as I close the suitcase and sit on it as he zips it.

"Off to Niall's domain!" he says, taking it and carrying it down the stairs.

I quickly run into dad's room and see him with his eyes glued to the computer.

"Niall and I are going on a little vacation. I'll see you in a week!" I say and he looks up at me.

"Okay have fun, be safe!" I say and I walk back out of the room. I love how trusting he is.

"No getting pregnant!" Lenny yells from his room and I bang my fist on his door as I walk past.

"Ready to go?" Niall says from the bottom of the stairs. When I reach the second bottom step he picks me up, bridal style, spins me around once, and kisses my neck. "Just like a princess." he says referring to me descending the stairs.

I giggle as he puts me down and takes me hand. He leads me to his car and we drive to his house. As he packs up, I sit on the couch and call for the tickets and Atlantis Hotel for a reservation. Everything is working perfectly.

Niall comes out carrying a suitcase and immediate spots me. "Ready?"

"All ready!" I say, standing.

"All right! Shall we go?" he says, holding his hand out. I take it and we get a cab to the airport.

Niall's POV

Once we're in the air, Shelby is asleep on my arm. I look at her beautiful face, which is so peaceful. I take her arm and pull up the bracelets, revealing an ugly scar. I kiss it and look down at her to see her watching me. I smile and she snuggles farther into me. I stroke her hair and look out the window as she falls back asleep.


Picture is the bikini!

(song) she had an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini!!!

I decided to upload for you guys, well, because I'm nice. AND because it's the second last chapter D: how sad.

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