Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Shelby's POV

Today is the day of Niall's audition, and even I am nervous for him. I still don't want to talk to him, I can't face him after what he had done to me.

I flip on the TV just as Niall walks onto the stage and I keep my lips from smiling. I can't like him, I just can't.

He sings like an angel and the judges let him through. I feel a smile grow on my face but I wipe it off almost instantly as my mom walks into the room.

"Isn't that Niall from around the corner?"

"Yes." I mumble.

"Well good for him!" she says before sitting down beside me.

Niall's POV

I walk backstage with a huge smile on my face. I made it through! I actually made it! I can't believe this is really happening.

Next thing I know I'm standing back on stage with four other guys and four other girls.

We're back in London now and we all didn't actually make it, and the judges have decided to put us into two groups. I barely know these lads, but they seem pretty nice.

I get back to my room and take out my phone. I was actually expecting a text from Shelby congratulating me but there is nothing. I hate not being able to talk to her. I just want to hear her voice, so I decide to call her

"Come on... Pick up." I mumble. Finally she picks up, and gives a faint hello.

"Shelby! I'm so glad you picked up." I say but she doesn't reply. "Look, I'm sorry okay? I meant to tell you... it's just that I didn't know how." I pause. "And if it makes you feel any better, I'm going to break up with her."

"Why?" she asks coldly.

"I-I don't really know. I guess it doesn't feel the same with her as it does- did with you." i admit.

"Niall..." she says. Her voice is shaky, as if she's crying.

"Please Shelby. Just give me a chance."

"I did, and you blew It." she says loudly, "I'm sorry Niall. Goodbye." her voice goes quiet.

Now I feel the tears welling up in my own eyes, but I don't want her to know. I hang up my phone and throw it across the room. 'Why do I always have to mess things up?!'

Shelby's POV

Heidi sits on my bed playing with my hair. We haven't talked in days, mostly because I was mad at Niall and I was taking it out on everyone else.

"So, why didn't you tell me about Niall and Sarah?"

"I thought you knew already. But now that I know you didn't, I feel really bad. I should’ve told you anyway." she says, and I rest my head on her lap and look up at her.

"Thanks" I say.

"No problem, it's what friends are for! Besides, I think Niall actually did like you. But he just didn't know how to break up with Sarah." she admits.

"Ya, well it's over now, I guess." I sigh, knowing I'll probably never get over him.

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