Chapter 27

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Pic on the side is of Shelby's dress!

Chapter 27:

Shelby's POV

"Wear something nice!" he pokes his head in my door.

"Niall! I could've been naked!" I yell at him. he just winks and dashes back to his room.

I take out my black lace dress with a white bow that comes to about half way down my thighs and hugs my body. I lay it on my bed and jump in the shower. I get out and dry my wavy hair, weaving it into a double waterfall braid. I go for natural make up, I've never really been very good when it comes to that kind of thing.

finally I slip my dress on "Niall! I need your help!" I yell. he comes running in, "Can you zip me?" I say, holding my hair up.

He walks over and zips my dress slowly, just like in those romantic movies. it's like my whole life is a movie, really. anyway, when he's done I turn around and he just looks at me. I'm starting to feel a little insecure, so I turn around and walk into my closet. I pull out my 5 inch black platform heels and white cut-off jacket. I slip my locket around my neck. I turn around to see Niall leaning against the door frame, still studying me.

"Stop watching me!" I say blushing and pushing my way past him.

"I can't you're too beautiful." he says, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

I laugh nervously and wiggle my way around and fix his tie. I look up into his eyes to catch him staring into mine. I place my hands on his shoulders and go on my tip toes to peck his lips.

"Okay we have to go!" I say, grabbing my jacket and shoes and pulling him out of the room.

"Can't we just stay here for a little while?" he gives me his puppy dog eyes. I turn around caress his adorable face in my hand.

"No," I pout back and keep walking.

We arrive at the restaurant and I am quite nervous. I've never met the other guy's girlfriends yet and they're so much prettier than I am. I mean a model and a dancer? And now I've heard Perrie is a singer... then there's me. Boring old me. I can't help but feel weird around them and my palms are starting to get sweaty.

"Hey you okay?" Niall interrupts my thoughts as he turns off his car.

"Um ya I'm good! Just a little nervous." I say, rubbing my hands together.

"Don't be" he takes my hand.

We walk to the restaurant hand in hand. With these shows I'm just as tall as Niall. He opens the door and I walk in.

"Who's that?" I say, motioning to the blonde girl sitting by Harry. We can only see the back of her head.

"I don't know, probably just someone he met." he shrugs.

We walk over and stand by the table. Niall introduces me and the blonde turns her head. It's the girl. It's her. The one who was outside Niall's house. She slapped Dara. She called me a slut. How could Harry like her?

"Hi! I'm Kylie!" she chirps plastering a fake smile and sticking out her hand. She remembers me. I can see it from the glint in her eye.

"Hi, I'm Shelby." I say, a little confused, but shake her hand anyway.

I pull Niall aside. "Niall that's her."


"It's the girl who slapped Dara! And the one who called me a slut." I say and Niall looks over to her and she waves.

We wave back, "Are you sure?" he says through his smiling teeth and I give my head a little nod.

He turns back to me. "Okay, well be nice to her and maybe we can see what she's up to. Okay?" I nod again and he kisses my cheek before we head back to the table and sit.

"So you must be Danielle and Perrie!" I say.

"Nice to meet you." the perfect blonde sticks out her hand and I shake it.

"Yes, nice to finally meet you!" Danielle says. "Liam always complains that Niall never stopped talking about you during the X Factor, and since!" she places her hand on Liam's and Niall blushes.

"Really?" I turn to Niall. "That true?"

"Well I missed you!" he says and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Awe," i gush and he presses his lips on my forehead. "Well I didn't miss you, sorry." I admit and he pulls away and looks at me. I shrug and he looks hurt. "It's okay I love you." I say and kiss his cheek and he smiles. "Now." I giggle and he rolls his eyes.

"Louis hurry up!" I hear a girl yell from the door. "They're waiting for us."

We all look to see Eleanor pulling Louis through the door. He's still looking outside, waving at all the fans. We all laugh as they scurry over to the table.

"Sorry we're late!" Louis says as they scoot in the bench.

"Hi I'm Eleanor!" The beautiful brunette says. "I love your dress!"

"Thanks!" I say.

"So Harry, who is this?" Liam asks.

"Oh, this is Kylie." he says, putting his arm around her.

"How do you guys meet?" I ask, pretending not to know her.

"We ran into each other in the street the other day." she says, looking directly at me.

"That's right." Harry kisses her neck, but she nudges him off, still looking at me.

"Um, I have to go to the washroom. I'll be right back." I say, getting up.

I walk into the washroom and stare at my reflection in the mirror. The door swings open and I see Kylie standing there.

"You dirty slut!" she yells.

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