1- Neighbors- Colby

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I was sat sunbathing my garden when I heard someone jump my wall.

"Yo what the fuck?" I asked, standing up.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I didn't think anyone was here?" He said, looking at me.

"Why the fuck did you jump my fence?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh, my roommate threw the yoga ball over the fence" he said, pointing a the blue yoga ball sat on my grass

"Oh, you need to be more careful" I said, as he went and picked it up.

"I will do" he said, throwing it back over.

He was about to jump over when he looked at me.

"What's your name?" I asked, looking back at him.

"Colby" he said, sitting in the fence.

"Say Colby, could I come join whatever you are doing over there?" I asked, pointing at his roomates peering over the fence.

"Oh sure..." He said

"Y/N" I said smiling.

"We're just filming a YouTube video. We're doing an obstacle course in our back garden. We vlog for YouTube" he said, jumping the fence

I put on my crop top and shorts on.

"Cool" I said, hopping the fence.

"Guys, this is Y/N, Y/N this is Elton, Sam, Corey, Aaron, and Brennen" Colby said, standing near Sam.

"I don't actually live here, so if you're hear to get our names to file a police report then don't put my name in it" Brennen said, putting his arms up in surrender.

"Oh, I wasn't. I'm coming to join in your little shenanigans. I've always pissed of the neighbourhood, so I might as well enjoy my time here until I get evicted" I said, looking at the pool.

"Ah cool you have a death board" I said, walking towards it.

"Yea, you can have a go if you want" Elton said,

"Cool" I said, taking off my shorts and crop top.

I walked up and the boys watched as I did a quadruple front flip off of the board. I opened my eyes as I resurfaced.

"Oh my god!" the boys shouted.

I got out and smiled.

"And that's how you do it!" I said, folding my arms.

"How did you do that?" Colby asked, passing me a towel.

"I do dance, gym, and diving lessons every week so... I kinda have a full schedule" I said, drying my hair.

"I do dance too" Corey said, laughing.

"I say, dance battle, right now. You two have to remake the Sam and Colby dance. Whoever wins, gets to go on a date, with Colby" Brennen said, clapping.

"I'm down" I said, putting my crop top and shorts back on.

"I don't know" Corey said.

"Oh are you too chicken?" I said, laughing.

"No" he said, defensively.

I started making chicken noises and the guys were laughing.

"Fine, I'll do it. Just so I can go on a date with Colby when I win" he said, sticking his tongue out at me.

"Ooh that's fighting talk" Aaron said.

"May the best dancer win" Sam said.

"I dibs being Colby!" I said.

"Fine then, I'll be Sam" he said.

"ok, just so you know, you grind twice" Elton said to me.

"Shit" I said, as we watched the video.

In the end I won and me and Colby exchanged numbers.

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