63- Nothing Can Keep Us Apart- Corey

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I was sat in my new home in L.A with my new roommates Sam and Colby and we were discussing what we were doing for Corey's birthday. I hadn't seen him since he moved to L.A and I had grown to fame being known as Alexis Fire. My alter ego. Sam and Colby knew me as Y/N Y/L/N. Since we'd been talking that much. I was ready for Corey to know I was the person who's music he'd been listening to ever since my first album, Lethal was released in 2014. Since then, I've grown massive and done a lot of world tours. My friend Hazel, but her stage name Hayley had been with me since day 1 and we've been through think and thin together.

"So your having a party here and you want me to surprise him?" I asked smiling

"Yeah. Aaron and Jake took him out for the day. They know you are Y/N and not Alexis. So they are in on this. So are all the sorry guests. And they won't spread this I promise you. Because these are the people I trust with my life" Sam said.

"Ok. I want to tell the world but I feel like people would turn against me" I said looking at them.

"They would love you" Colby said smiling.

"They'd want me dead. Ok so where can I hide for the day until the party?" I asked smiling.

"Our friends Brennen and Kyra are coming to the party but they're gonna take you back to their apartment and entertain you until they bring you to the party. They'll sneak you around the back and into my bedroom window. I'll be there waiting. It'll work. Corey's oblivious to most things" Colby said.

"True" I said giggling.

--------- 7 hours later---------

I was waiting for Colby to introduce me to go downstairs.

"Ok so for the birthday boy, I have a surprise for you. So come up here Corey" Colby said.

"So as you know, you are one of the biggest fans of Alexis Fire and you have been for a while now. So everyone here, we've been working on a huge surprise for you. Ok so introducing, Alexis Fire!" Colby shouted.

Everyone cheered and I walked down the stairs and to where the makeshift stage was. I looked at Corey and he was jumping up and down with excitement. I got onto the stage and hugged him.

"Happy birthday Corey!" I said smiling.

"Thank you so much!" He said.

"Ok so I am going to be performing a few of my own songs, but first, I am going to be singing one of Corey's favourite songs Despacito. I heard he always dances to this around the house and is constantly humming this song so here we go" I said holding the microphone up to my mouth.

--------- after the songs---------

"Thank for listening guys but one last thing just for you Corey. You've been away from your friend Y/N for a while now I hear. Am I right?" I asked holding the microphone up to his mouth

"Yeah. She was my best friend and still is my best friend. I haven't seen her in 4 years and everytime I went back home she was always on holiday" Corey said.

"Well I'm reuniting you tonight Corey, because, I'm here Corey" I said taking my wig off.

"Holy shit!" He said hugging me.

"I missed you so much Corey" I said as he picked me up.

"I missed you more" he said.

"Not possible" I said giggling.

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