21- He Gets Violent Part 2- Colby Brock

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I woke up this morning in the wrong bed, in the wrong room. I sat up and looked over and saw Brennen laid next to me. I looked and he was shirtless and I was naked. I lifted the covers and saw Brennen's dick.

"Oh for fucks sake!" I shouted.

"What's going on?" Brennen asked

"Brennen we had sex last night? Cos there's a condom wrapper on the floor" I said, looking down.

"Fuck" he said.

I got up and got changed immediately.

"Y/N wait" Brennen said.

"What?" I asked sharply.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Back to Colby. I'm gonna apologize" I said.

"Y/N he hit you" he said, hugging me.

"He was angry Brennen. It was a mistake, this was a mistake. He can't find out about this" I said, pulling away.

"Fine" Brennen said.

I walked out and ran back to the house. I walked in to a messy house. Everything had been thrown about. I walked upstairs and heard nothing.

"Babe? Colbear! I'm here. Look, I'm sorry about last night. You were angry. I'm sorry for not answering your calls. I was just mad. I'm back now. Just please forgive me" I pleaded.

He didn't open the door and wasn't reply​ing. I tried to knock the door down. I finally did and Colby was laid on the floor with pills scattered on the floor next to him and he was passed out.

"Baby! Wake up!" I yelled shaking him.

"SAM!!! GET IN HERE ITS COLBY!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Baby don't leave me" I cried.

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