37- Surprising You At Gradiation- Sam

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Y/N- Babe I'm graduating today!!!

Sam- Yeah I'm so happy for you. Sorry I can't be there.

Y/N- I get it, your busy, but I do want to see you during the summer.

Sam- Sure thang sweet pea.

Y/N- Gtg


I hid my phone in my pocket before we went up to get our diplomas. I was sat with my friend Max, Christine, Bonnie, Travis, Lucy and Ben when my name was called.

"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N" the head teacher said.

I got up as everyone clapped.

"THATS MY BEST FRIEND!" I heard Max shout.

I giggled. Soon graduation was over and we were about to leave when the head teacher added something.

"We have a surprise for Y/N if she could come up" the head said.

I stood up and got on stage.

"So as we know. Y/N has had a tough year with her parent's death. But that hasn't stopped her from finding something stronger than love itself. So we wanted to give her something. Come on out here" he said.

I was looking around when the doors at the back of the hall opened and I saw a man with blonde hair come through the door. We met eyes. It was Sam. I put my hand over my mouth. He opened his arms. I ran off the stage and straight into his arms.

"Sam!" I said, as I muffled my face into his neck.

"I couldn't miss your graduation" he said but his voice could be heard through the loud speaker.

I saw his friends stood filming.

"So I know it's short notice since it's tonight, but will you be my date to prom?" He asked, holding some flowers up.

"Yes!" I said throwing my arms around his neck.

We lost our footing and I landed on top of him (if it were me irl his back would be Broken). I stared into his blue eyes and then he pulled me into him. Our lips connected.

"I felt like that was essential" he said.

I giggled before attaching my lips to his once again.

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