43- Morning Sex- Colby

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I woke up and saw Colby asleep next to me. I got out of bed and slipped Colby's black shirt from last night over my bra and pants. I walked downstairs and made me and Colby some coffee.

"Hey Y/N. What're you doing later?" Katrina asked, coming into the kitchen.

"After university? Nothing. There's no parties. So I'm free. What do you have in mind?" I asked smiling.

"Can you come down the studios? My manager wants to meet you. She says that we should become a duo" she said.

"Yeah I'll be there. What time?" I asked.

"4?" She asked.

"Yeah sounds good. I'll see you later then" I said.

"See you later" she said.

I made the coffee and took it back upstairs.

"Y/N?" I heard Colby ask as I went through the door.

"Morning gorgeous. I brought you coffee" I said, placing it on the side.

"Thanks" he said.

I laid back down. He took a sip and then rolled over and looked at me.

"What're you looking at?" I asked.

"You" he said.

"Yeah but your doing it weirdly" I said, smiling.

"I'm happy" he said stroking my hair.

"Oh ok" I said.

"What time do you have to be at uni?" He asked.

I rolled over and looked at the clock.

"30 minutes ago" I said kissing him softly.

We soon started making out. I straddled him and kissed him. I moved down to his neck and kissed his neck softly. I moved down his body leaving a trail of kisses. He flipped us over and opened the shirt. He did the same and took of my bra. He kissed me more and then took off my pants and his. He put on a condom and inserted me. It was soft because we were tired. I moaned quietly to make sure non of the other roomates could hear. We soon hit our climaxes and then laid back down.

"I might just have to take the day off" I said smiling.

I soon fell back asleep.

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