4- Contemplation- Colby

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I stood on the bridge looking down. I got out my phone and texted Kat.

Thanks for being a good friend. At least I can be with Ryan.

I put my phone back in my bag and sat at the edge of the bridge.


I was sat down with Sam and Colby when my phone buzzed it was a text from Y/N.

Thanks for being a good friend. At least I can be with Ryan

"Guys, it's Y/N" I said, looking up at my phone.

"Is she ok?" Colby asked.

I showed them the text.

"Where would she go to be with Ryan?" Sam asked.

"Oh my god. Guys we need to go now" I said, grabbing my coat.

We ran to the bridge and I saw Y/N.

"Y/N come off the edge and we can figure this out" I shouted.

She looked at us and then was about to come back when she lost her balance. She fell back. I screamed as Sam held me. We all ran across the road and Y/N's body was floating down the river.

"Guys meet me at the shore!" Colby said, taking off his jacket.

"What?" I asked.

"Just do it!" he said, as he dived in.

"COLBY!" Sam screamed as Colby dived in after Y/N.


Luckily, Y/N's white dress got caught on the rock. I grabbed onto the rock and grabbed her. I brought her to the shore. I laid her down.

"Is she breathing?" Kat asked, shaking.

I gave her CPR and then she coughed up the water she'd choked on.

"Oh my god" I said, hugging her.

She started crying.

"i thought you died" I said, crying.

"We'll give you two a minute" Sam said, going and calming Kat down.

"Y/N why did you do it?" I asked.

"I don't want to talk about it" she said.

"Well you'll have to one day" I said, walking her to where Sam and Kat were.

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