19- Jealousy- Aaron

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Today, me, Y/N and the rest of the house were going to explore but I couldn't help but jealous because Y/N was being flirty with Colby. I knew she didn't mean to do it on purpose but it was really annoying me.

"Colby, give me a piggy back!"
Y/N jumping on him.

She giggled and Corey could tell I was uncomfortable.

"Bro, she's just being friendly" he said, putting his arm around me.

"But look, she's been flirting with him" I said whispering.

"If it's bothering you that much, I'll distract the guys whilst you talk to her" he said.

"Thanks. Y/N can I talk to you for a second?" I asked, pulling her aside.

"Yeah sure babe" she said smiling.

We waited until the rest of them were away from us.

"What's up Aaron? You look mad" she said, hugging me.

"Why are you flirting with Colby?" I asked, looking away.

"Flirting? What? Aaron, I'm not flirting with him!" She said seeming as if it were a joke.

"Babe, you're all over him!" I said.

"Colbs is like a brother to me! You don't need to be jealous. I don't like Colby, even if I did, I'd still go with you because your the one I love" she said, kissing me.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Babe! I'm sure" she said kissing me.

I smiled and hugged her. And this is why I love this girl.

Thanks for reading guys, this one was requested by SamanthaWritesStuff please send me your requests please!

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