18- You Just Got Pranked Biatch- The Whole House

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"Hey guys, so today, all the roommates are inside playing the midnight game, and they think I'm out with Brennen. Little do they know, I'm gonna freak them out. I'm gonna make things happen. Elton's in on the prank and we're teaming up. Let's get this started" I said, from outside.

I opened the door and saw them facing the backdoor. I opened it and slammed it so it hit the wall. I ran behind the sofa and grabbed the remote for the TV.

"What the fuck was that?" Sam asked, looking around.

"Oh my god" Kat cried.

I turned on the TV to static and ran to the kitchen and left the remote on the sofa where it was. I went into one of the cupboards and grabbed a glass. I threw it at the ground at it cut up my leg. I ran as fast as I could upstairs and into Sam and Kat's room. I started throwing things up around the room. I quickly put my hood down, grabbed the fake blood and let it pour down my face. Everyone ran upstairs. They came to the room and I made myself shake and cry.

"Y/N I thought you were at Brennen's" Colby said, running over to me.

"I was, I came back and the front door- it was locked so I climbed up the side of the house and then something grabbed and it threw everything at me. I didn't see anything. Please, stop this Sam. Its getting out of hand" I said, hugging him.

"No, we're stopping this fucking game right now!" Elton said, putting the lights on.

"Oh yeah, and guys?" I said, still crying.

"What?" Kat asked, hugging me.


"Oh my god" Aaron said, sitting down.

"So, everything was you. The door, the TV, the piano, the glass, the messy bedroom?" Devyn said.

I nodded.

"I fucking hate you Y/N" Corey said.

"What about your leg?" Elton asked.

"When I broke the glass, a shard cut me. I'm ok, it doesn't hurt to bad" I said, wiping the blood away.

"Oh yea. I was in on it too" Elton said, high fiving me.

"Babe, I hate you" Amanda said, hugging him.

Me and Elton giggled.


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