9- Exploring An Abandoned Mental Hospital- Sam Golbach

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Last night, me, Sam, Colby, Elton, Corey, Devyn and Aaron all flew out to England because England was one of the places that Elton wanted to bring us to. Tonight, I'd somehow convinced them all to go to an abandoned mental asylum. I was meeting up with my old friend Joe Weller. He had been here 3 times before and I watched his video and a lot of creepy shit happened. Sam had brought his Ouija board so we were going to do that. Of course Corey had declined this because he's the biggest pussy in the world. I texted Joe asking where he was when I felt someone pick me up from behind.

"Hallo" Joe said, in his funny voice.

"Joe!" I said, turning around and hugging him.

I saw Sam look at us in a weird way but we're just friends so there's no reason why he should be jealous of us.

"Are you guys ready to go into the asylum?" Elton asked, vlogging us.

"I am" I said, jumping on Sam's back.

We walked around the entrance and Sam was carrying me.

"Y/N why do I have to carry you?" he whined as we walked over bunches of trees.

"Because old Samuel, these are my new shoes and I don't want to get them muddy" I said, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Oh my god, you're like Corey with his Yeezy's" Colby said.

"Hey, at least I don't jump on your backs when I don't want to ruin them" Corey said, as I got on his back to Sam could have a rest.

We got in and I started walking around myself. We got into the main room and put the Ouija board on the floor. We walked around and it was so weird. There were needles everywhere. We got to the main room and there was a beer bottle on the floor.

"First one to hit that bottle with an object, gets all there drinks bought for them tonight when we go to the pub" Joe said, putting his arm around me.

"I'm in" everyone said.

After multiple attempts, Sam won. He hit it with a door handle. I pissed myself because Joe actually broke off the door. Joe found a light swinging from the ceiling. He jumped onto the bin Colby threw and hung off it. The bin fell over and I started literally crying with laughter.

"No no no no no no" he said, as he put his feet on it.

He dabbed as he landed. Everyone cheered. We then did the Ouija board. We were talking to a little child called Delia when Sam asked the stupid question.

"Do something to show you are here" he said.

My ponytail started lifting off my back and then I heard a scream. I screamed and covered my ears as everyone surrounded me. Sam hugged me as the scream didn't leave until we got to the car. I uncovered my ears.

"What the fuck was that?" I said, crying.

"What was what?" Joe asked.

"Someone was screaming" I said, pulling my sleeve down to wipe my tears.

"Nobody was screaming" Corey said.

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