71- Worried- Elton

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I had been the only one in the house for the last week because Elton was in Idaho with Heath, Jay and Scotty. But recently I'd been having really bad stomach pains and I wasn't on my period or anything. I decided to ring Elton because I have been telling him. He told me they'd go away but they haven't.

Elton- Hey girlfriend what's up?
Y/N- Hey babe. The pains haven't got any better. I've been taking as much Advil as I can and nothings working.
Elton- These things don't just dissapear overnight. They take time.
Y/N- I guess you right. Ah shit Elton it really fucking hurts.

I leant over as the worst pain I've ever heard came over me. I screamed as I fell over. I dropped my phone and the last thing I heard was Elton freaking out.

I was going to see Y/N because she'd been stuck in the house for the last week alone and I don't even know whether she was alive or not. I unlocked the door of Elton's house and walked into the living room. Circa was laid barking near Y/N's unconscious.

"Oh shit" I said running over to them.

I stroked Circa as I tried to wake up Y/N. She wasn't moving. I got out my phone and rang an ambulance.

---------    5 hours later   ---------

I woke up and saw Colby. He was looking at me with a huge smile on his face.

"Y/N you gave me heart attack" he said hugging me.

"What happened?" I asked looking around.

"You had a kidney failure. You're gonna need to get a transplant" he said as he sat back down.

"Where's Elton?" I asked as I sat up.

"Don't try to move. Eltons on his way" Colby said as he pressed my shoulders lightly back down.

++++--      2 hours later---------

I woke up to Elton's familiar face. I squeezed his hand and he looked up. He smiled at me and kissed my hand.

"Hey how you feeling?" He asked as he stroked my head.

"I'm feeling ok now. Why are you here?" I asked pouting.

"You screamed down the phone. I thought you got murdered" he said as he kissed my head.

"Did Colby ring you?" I asked as he sat back down.

"Yeah" he said.

"Then you had nothing to worry about. Colby and the guys would have looked after me" I said.

"That's my job... Not there's" he said as he smiled.

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