27- You Catch Him Cheating- Corey

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You were walking Circa for Elton whilst he was in Hong Kong with the boys. You took her to the dog park for a while because it was your favourite place to clear your head. You and Corey had been fighting recently but you weren't broken up yet. You were planning to apologise to Corey when you got back because you hate fighting with him. You got through the gate and saw Corey's car parked on the driveway. Perfect. You let Circa off of her leash. You opened the door and shut it and saw Corey on top of someone on the sofa.

"Corey?" you asked, hurt.

He looked and his mouth dropped.

"Babe, I can explain" he said, getting off the girl.

"No need. I'm going" you said, opening the door.

"No babe wait" he said, grabbing your hand.

He lifted your chin up and looked at your with genuine sorrow in his eyes.

"Fine" you said, sitting back down on the sofa.

The girl left and you looked at Corey.

"We were fighting, and I thought we weren't gonna last. So I called Devyn to see if we could hang out. That's all it was supposed to be" he said, putting his head in his hands.

"But then it turned into a makeout Corey. Look, I'm mad, but I'm sure we can work it out. I'm going back to New Zealand with my brother for 2 weeks, after that, I'll come over again. But for now, bye Corey" you said, kissing his cheek before you left.

You got into your car. It broke your heart to leave him but you knew you both needed space. You drove to your apartment and ordered pizza, attempting to ignore the countless amounts of texts from the guys asking about why Corey was crying. Wait, Corey was crying? Over you? How does that happen? I told them to tell him that I still love him, I just need some space.

Guys, just tell Corey that I love him and I just need space. Tell him I'll be waiting when I come off of that plane to see him. Thanks guys, I'll see you all in two weeks.

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