3- Bullied- Colby

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Today, me and my gorgeous boyfriend Colby were going to the mall to go buy some outfits as we were going on holiday to Hawaii in a week. I was sometimes insecure about how I looked but me and Colby had a private pool this time so I didn't have to worry because Colby said he loved me for me. We were in Victoria Secret because I needed some new bras and pants but I also liked looking at their swimsuit line. Colby was sat watching me.

"What do you think about this one?" I asked, turning around.

"Yeah I like it. It shows your figure off perfectly" he said, hugging me.

"Oh my god, Colby Brock!" a girl squealed from behind us.

"Oh hey, what's your name?" he asked, hugging her.

"I'm Melanie, I'm a huge fan!" she said, as she passed me her phone.

I took some photos for her. Colby's phone started ringing.

"I've got to take this babe. I'll be right back. It was so nice to meet you" he said, putting his hand on the girls shoulder.

"Babe, get outta that outfit, you kinda making me gag. Like seriously, you look so fucking fat. You don't have a fucking figure. Like, your flab actually hangs out of the fucking cut outs. You bingo wings can't hide in those. And those thighs girl, you can't pull that off. Colby probably doesn't even like you and probably just uses you for the laugh. Does he pay you?" she asked, as she shut up as soon as Colby came back.

I just smiled. Colby gave me a worrying look.


Y/N threw off the swimsuit.

"I'm not buying it" she said, putting it back on the hanger.

"Why not babe. It looks good on you" I said, hugging her.

"No it doesn't. It just makes me look fat and ugly. That's what everyone fucking thinks" she said, walking out.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back in, I shut the curtain.

"Babe, what's making you say this?" I asked, hugging her.

"That fake fucking fan. And half of your viewers" she said, crying.

"Babe. Y/N look at me. Baby!" I said, holding her face.

"You are non of that ok? You are a gorgeous, confident and amazing girl. And I don't care what you look like. I care that you love me for me and I love you for you" I said, hugging her.

She pulled me in and kissed me roughly. I looked at her as we drew away.

"I love you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N" I said, wiping her tears away.

"I love you too Cole Robert Brockili" she said giggling.

I kissed her before I splashed out the cash and let her buy whatever she wanted.

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