6- Pregnant?- Colby

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I woke up this morning and my head was banging. My stomach churned and I ran to the toilet. I pulled up the lid and threw up in the toilet. I felt my hair be pulled back and tied up.

"Y/N are you ok?" Kat asked, hugging me.

"I don't know. I think I just have a stomach bug but it really hurts" I said, flushing he toilet.

"I think you should take a pregnancy test" Kat said, standing by the door.

"Do we have any in the house?" I asked.

"Me and Sam always keep some spares" Kat said, walking into her room.

She passed me one.

"Thanks" I said, closing the door.


I sat on Y/N and Colby's bed for 2 minutes and then Elise came back holding the test.

"So?" I asked, looking at her.

"Say hello to your neice or nephew" she said, smiling.

I hugged her tightly.

"I am so excited" I said.

"How are you gonna tell Colby?" I asked, happily.

"Well..." she said.

------------------------------2 months later-----------------------------


Today was the day that I was gonna tell Colby about our baby. Actually, babies. We were expecting twins. I got an ultrasound test and I got some photos. I got Colby some shoes he really wanted, a jumper that he wanted since he was a little kid, My Chemical Romance CD's, some silver rings, and finally, a envelope with his card, a $500 gift for mmm mmm good (Tender Greens), and the ultrasound photos. I smiled as I set up everything in the back garden. Brennen had taken him out for the day. Colby had been really depressed because I told him something urgent had happened back home but really, I was staying with Liza Koshy for the week. I was surprising him today. We were having a party with a load of our friends:


He hasn't seen David in ages so it was going to be a really nice surprise. We were having a garden party and then inside, I had set up a ball pit like we did for Elton TFIL 1,000,000 subscriber party. Me, Sam, Aaron, and Kat were all gonna sing. I was going to sing the Gone playlist by Jack and Jack, Sam was singing Give Me Love, Thinking Out Loud and Happier by Ed Sheeran, Aaron was singing Airplanes, Location, and New Man, and Kat was singing, Out Loud, All In, and Not Gone. Elton and Scotty were doing 'you can all touch my beard', and Scotty was singing 'Sad Song and My Life Sucks'.

"Guys, he pulled up on the drive" Liza said, looking out of the window.

"Y/N get in the box" David said, opening it up.

I waited and heard everyone shouting, SURPRISE.


Me and Brennen walked through the front door and everyone shouted SURPRISE. I looked around to see everyone I loved. Well, nearly everyone.

"What the heck?" I asked, Sam hugged me.

"Surprise" Sam said, passing me a red cup.

"This is so nice guys" I said, smiling.

"Well you're 21 now, and you can get pissed off of your head" Brennen said, hugging me close.

"Bring it on" I said, laughing.

We walked to the back garden and I saw a huge present.

"Y/N sent a present over from Florida" Corey said, patting the box.

"Aw she's so sweet" Brennen said, slightly drunk.

I laughed at him. I unwrapped the present and it burst open.

"Happy birthday baby" Y/N said.

"Baby" I said, lifting her out of the box.

I hugged her. I looked at her as she smashed her lips into mine.

"Are you not got be drinking?" I asked.

"Babe, I can't. I'm underage. At least me and Kat can put your asses to bed when your all pissed off of your faces" she said, hugging me.

"Let's get this party started" Nik said.

"Can we open your presents, I got you something good" Kat said, smiling.

We opened a lot of presents. Y/N's presents we so good. She got me a ring with Y/N engraved onto it.

"Last present" Y/N said, handing me a envelope.

I opened it and somethings fell out. Y/N gathered them into a pile and then passed them to me. I put them on the side and then got out a $500 gift card for tender greens and a card. I looked at the photos. I looked at Y/N who was smiling.

"I'm gonna be a dad?" I asked, crying.

"I'm gonna be a mommy" she said, hugging me.

We stayed like that whilst everyone got drunk. I said to Y/N that I wouldn't get drunk.

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