25- You Catch Him Cheating- Sam

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Me and my boyfriend were at a party and we having a really good time. But I hadn't seen him in ages. I walked into the kitchen and saw Sam making out with some random chick. I walked towards him.

"Sam" I said, coughing.

He turned around with the girl's red lipstick around her lips. I punched him square in the jaw.

"We're done" I said, walking out.

I got into my car and drove back to the house. I walked in and Colby was stood in the kitchen. He looked at me and I broke down crying.

"Y/N what happened?" he asked, hugging me.

"Sam was making out with some slut at the party" I said.

"I swear I'm gonna kill him" he said, tensing up.

"Colby don't. It'll just make things worse. I just want to stay in tonight. I don't want to even look at him" I said letting go of him.

"C'mon, lets go watch some films. Titanic?" he sad.

"You know me so well" I said smiling.

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