5- Kidnapped In London- Colby

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Colby was talking to a viewer when someone put there hand over my mouth and dragged me away from Colby.

"Colby" I screamed but it was no use.

"Don't scream and your perfect little boyfriend will live" the man whispered into my ear.

I was quiet so Colby could live. The man tied a gag around me shoved me in the boot of his car. I cried as the walls were caving in. I shut my eyes hoping it was all a dream. A bad dream. But it wasn't. I opened my eyes and I was still getting thrown around.


After I'd finished talking to the fan, I looked around and she wasn't there.

"Shit" I said, under my breath.

I grabbed my phone and called Sam.

Sam- Whassup dude?

Colby- Y/N has gone missing.

Sam- What where are you? Me and Kat are coming right now!

Colby- I'm on Oxford Street. I was taking a photo with a fan and then I turned around and she wasn't there.

Sam- Ok, we're on our way now.

Colby- just hurry. I don't know where she is and I can't call the police for another 24 hours.

Sam- We're getting in the car now.

I finished the phone call and I sat down on the wall. 2 minutes later Sam and Kat were here.

"Colby it's gonna be ok" Kat said, hugging me.

Kat is like a little sister to me so she was always gonna be there for me. My phone buzzed. It was Y/N.

Colby- Baby, where are you?

Unknown caller- If you want your precious little girlfriend to live, you bring $2,000 dollars to the location I will text you location.

Colby- If you've laid a finger on her...

Unknown- Ah ah ah, threats won't help you. Because every threat, every single thing you do wrong, I will hurt your girlfriend.

The line went flat and Sam and Kat looked at me.

"Oh my god" Sam said.

We went to and ATM and got the cash out. It drained a bit of my bank account but I didn't care, I just needed my girlfriend.

Elise's phone- Room 11, Grande Hotel

"Guys, we need to go" I said, running.

We got to the hotel and I banged on the door. We got dragged in and I was thrown into the corner. Y/N looked at me with teary eyes.

"Where's the fucking money?" the man asked.

"There it's all there" I said, throwing my wallet at him.

"Now let her go!" Kat shouted.

"Shut her up" the man said, pointing at Kat.

A man hit Kat over the head and she fainted. Sam was gagged already but looked away. The man walked over to Y/N and dragged a knife over her skin. I looked away as Y/N's screams could be heard throughout the hotel. The door started being kicked but two men held it back. The man got a gun and pointed it at me. I looked away as I heard a gunshot. I jumped but felt no pain. Kat was stood with a gun in her hands, shaking. Elise screamed as the man's lifeless body fell on top of her. I ran over to her and untied her. She hugged me.

"I thought you were pranking me" I said.

"I would never" she said, kissing me.

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