40- Tragedy- Corey

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Me and Corey were walking home from our date. It was our 3 year anniversary and he took me out for a really posh dinner. Everything was going perfectly when someone grabbed my purse and ran off with it.

"Hey get back here!" Corey yelled coming after him.

"Babe leave it please!" I yelled after him.

He would stop. I ran after him and caught up with them. The guy grabbed Corey and pulled him close. Corey gagged and then fell to the floor.

"Corey!" I yelled running towards him.

I grabbed him and cradled him in my arms.

"Y/N" he struggled.

"Baby I'm here. Save your breath! Someone help!" I screamed, taking my jacket off.

"God what happened?" Someone asked running up to us.

"He's been stabbed. Call 911" I said, putting pressure on Corey's wound.

"Baby. I need to tell you something because this might be the only time I can" he said, holding my hands.

"Don't talk like that baby. You're gonna be ok" I said crying.

"I love you so much. I have down forever. When we got home I was  going to propose. I might not have the chance. I want you to know that I was going to make you mine forever. I don't she the chance now" he said gasping.

"I love you too. But you're going to be ok. We'll get through this I promise" I said squeezing his hand.

"Tell the guys that I love them all and that I didn't suffer. Tell my family I'm sorry for being a bad son and that I love them all please Y/N tell them that" he said.

"You can tell them that yourself Corey" I said kissing him.

"I love you Y/N. Thanks for being an amazing girlfriend and making my 22 Years on this earth worth while" he said.

"Corey! Corey baby wake up!" I said, as his eyes went dead.

I felt his pulse. Nothing.

"Corey!! Corey!!!" I screamed hugging him close.

The paramedics came and there was nothing they could do. The mad man that killed my boyfriend is still out there.

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