47- Opening Fan Mail- Colby

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"Y/N will you come and film a video with me?" Colby yelled from upstairs.

"Sure" I replied back as I finished getting some cans of Coca Cola out of the fridge.

I walked upstairs into me and Colby's room and smiled at him as I sat down in front of the camera.

"Here you go!" I said passing Colby his drink with a smile.

"Thanks. Let's start" he said smiling.

"What're we filming?" I asked taking a sip of my drink.

"We're opening fan mail" he said making sure that the camera was in focus.

He sat back down and he started his video with a huge grin on his face.

"What's up guys, it's Colby Brock here and today I am here with my amazing girlfriend Y/N. So what're we doing today babe?" He asked smiling.

"Today we're gonna be opening the fan mail that you amazing people sent to me and Colby's PO Box" I said clapping.

"That's right. We have a mountain of shizzle out of the shot but there's tonnes of it. Of course we can't film everything or read out the letters but we promise to read them all. Also if you've left any of your social's in a letter then we will both give you shout-outs and a DM so look forward to those" Colby said putting his hand in mine.

"Let's get this started" I said passing him a box.

I grabbed one for myself and I opened it with the knife Colby gave me. I opened it to reveal a lot of nice things. There was a letter laid on the top. I opened it and it was a very nice laid out one from a girl is London called Amelia.

"Shout-out to Amelia for sending us all of these British candies. I can't wait to eat all these and hide them from Colby" I said looking through all of the different snacks.

I put the box to the side and put the letter in our mini letter box we have. I grabbed the next box and opened it. A letter fell out and I opened it.

"Thanks to Astrid from Russia. She gave us a lot of different beanies for Colby and shirts for me" I said holding some up.

One of them said "I'm Colby Brock's future wife".

"True" I said.

We opened a few more.

"Babe look, someone sent us handcuffs and a vibrator" he said showing me.

"Ya'll are kinky as fuck" I said laughing.

"We'll keep them for later" he said.

I laughed at how rude Colby can be sometimes.

"Babe someone sent us an engagement ring" I said.

"That's nice. But not until I get my green card" he said.

We opened more boxes and ended the video and read through the letter and shouted-out people who plugged their social media's and gave them all a DM. We talked to fans all night which was really nice.

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