Preferences #4,5,6

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Where he leaves love bites

Sam- Shoulders

Colby- Neck

Corey- Ears

Elton- Collarbone

Aaron- Breasts

Scotty- Stomach

Brennen- Thighs

His favourite thing about you

Sam- Your presence (always positive)

Colby-Your smile (wide and cheesy)

Corey- Your ears (small and round)

Elton- Your hands (delicate and soft)

Aaron- Your eyes (bright and sparkly)

Scotty- Your humour (exactly the same as his)

Brennen- Your butt (plumb and round)

Your Favourite Thing About Him

Sam- His Samantha character (fun and quirky)

Colby- The Way He Wears His Beanies (amazingly and he flaunts that shit)

Corey- His Dance Moves (you always try to slay his ass but he never succeeds

Elton- His beard (you have an obsession with stroking it)

Aaron- His lips (plump and ready to kiss)

Scotty- His hair (soft and fun to braid)

Brennen- His durd voice ("better dur yur hur durd")

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