51- Payback- Corey (brother)

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Corey (brother)
Jake (boyfriend)

"Devyn. Can I steal you from my lovely brother for a moment?" I asked popping my head around the corner of their door.

"Yeah of course" I heard her say.

We walked into the hallway.

"What's up?" She asked smiling.

"I want to prank Corey" I said giggling.

"How?" She asked as we walked down the hall to Jake's room.

"Let me get Jake. Cos he's in on the prank too" I said as we got to Jake's door.

I opened it to see Jake, Colby and Sam coming up with some elaborate plan for something.

"Babe can I steal you from these two for a minute?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah sure" he said passing the pad of paper to Colby.

"We'll literally be about 5 minutes" I said smiling.

"No take as long as you need" Sam said smiling.

I smiled back as we walked downstairs and into the game room

"Ok so you have me and Jake now will you please tell us what you are planning to do?" Devyn asked sitting down on one of yeh white beanbags.

"I want to prank Corey. And hopefully the rest of the house too" I said smiling.

"Ok how?" Jake asked rubbing is hands together.

"Ok so you two are gonna be in bed together. And then I'm going to walk in on you. I'm gonna run downstairs and go get Corey. He'll come upstairs to see Devyn just stood there. Jake you'll be in the toilet. Let it drag out and when I cough, make a noise. Then Corey will see you and then hopefully the other roomates will hear Corey yelling. I want this to go well because I'm going to announce an infinite prank war" I said smiling.

"How are you gonna get Colby, Sam, Aaron and Corey out the house?" Devyn asked.

"I'll just say that we should go or for a while. Devyn if you say you have a makeup class and Jake say you have to upload. Are you ok with that?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah I'm all for it" Jake said as he walked upstairs.

We walked upstairs to Corey and Devyn's room.

"Corey, do you want to go for some lunch?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah sure. Babe you want to come?" He asked putting his phone in his pocket

"I'd love to but I have to go to a makeup class" Devyn said pretending to pack a bag

"Ok. I'll bring you back something" Corey said.

"Thanks I'll see you later then" she said as we left.

"I'll go see if the others want to come" I said smiling

"Aaron, Colby, Sam, Jake you wanna come for some lunch?" I asked.

Aaron, Colby and Sam came with us.

-----------7 hours later----------

I texted Devyn to tell her we were pulling in on the driveway. I'd pre made an intro to the video. I then got a text back from Devyn saying they were ready. I walked in with the boys, Sam , Corey and Colby went to go play some video games, and Aaron went to his room. I knocked on Corey and Devyn's door. Devyn ran and opened it.

"You ready?" She asked smiling.

"Yeah. Is Jake in the bathroom?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah" she said smiling.

I ran downstairs and into the kitchen. I made myself fake cry before I ran into the game room.

"Corey!" I said running to him.

"Y/N what's wrong?" He asked hugging me.

"Jake and Devyn, they, they were have- having sex" I said crying.

He got me off him and Sam ran upstairs with him. Colby grabbed my hand as we ran upstairs. When we got to the room Devyn was standing there shouting at Corey.

"Devyn what did you do?" Sam asked as he stood there.

"Nothing" she said acting it off really well.

"Don't lie Devyn, you were having sex with my boyfriend" I said, folding my arms.

"How could you do this to me Devyn. We were solid. We were fine. How long?" Corey asked, as I grabbed his hand.

"Babe, nothing is going on. She's obviously lying to you" Devyn said, casually.

Jake made a noise in the bathroom.

"What was that?" Corey asked, snapping his head sharp at the bathroom.

"Nothing it was nothing" Devyn said, running to the door.

"Move Devyn" I said, walking towards her.

"No. Just leave. I can't be bothered with this right now" Devyn said, rolling her eyes.

I grabbed Devyn and held her as Corey opened the door. He walked out and walked out to Devyn.

"How, fucking dare you?" Corey asked, gritting his teeth.

I let go of Devyn and ran to Jake.

"Jake, why?" I asked, crying.

"Babe, I can explain" he said, trying to grab my hand.

"Don't you even dare fucking touch her" Aaron said, pushing Jake.

"How could you do this to Corey and Y/N Jake. They did nothing to you" Sam said, from behind me.

"I knew she was going at it with another guy. It's obvious" Jake said.

"How could you even think that?" I asked, crying.

"Face it Y/N. We all know you've been fucking Brennen just own up to it already" Jake said, as Colby wrapped his arms around me.

"You have 5 seconds to run as far as you can Jake before I break you" Corey said, walking to him.

Jake started to run and Corey immediately went after him. Colby, Sam and Aaron ran after them. Devyn ran too. I grabbed the camera and filmed everything. I got to where they were an Colby, Sam and Aaron had him against the wall.

"Guys let go of him? Where's Corey?" I asked, hiding the camera again.

Corey walked out of the kitchen with a knife.

"Cor, Corey, it's a prank" Devyn said. grabbing the camera off of me.

I ran and got the knife off of him. I put it on the floor and Corey grabbed me and hugged me.

"I legit thought you two cheated. I can't believe you'd do this to me" he said, as he hugged me tighter.

"Corey, can't breathe" I said, gasping for air.

I hugged everyone else.

"Why did you do this to me?" Aaron asked, sitting down on the stairs.

"Aw Aaron I'm sorry. At least I know you're there for me" I said, smiling.

"Why this prank?" Corey asked, putting his arm around Devyn.

"Because you fucking made me think Colby beat you up. I was freaking out. SO it was my turn" I said, smiling.

"Corey fi you knew me at all you'd know I wouldn't do anything to hurt Y/N" Jake said, kissing the top of my head.

"I know. I just get really worried" Corey said.

"Well don't next time you silly, silly goose" I said, walking over to Corey and giving him another hug.

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