Author Q and A Answers

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mady472- What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colours are light blue, black, and white.

mady472- How many people do you Stan?
Too many.

Kit_Kate1905- What inspires you to write?
My life experiences. I've been though a lot of shit in my life so I write about those experiences.

Kit_Kate1905- Who do you look up to?
My Grandma. She taught me everything I know. RIP Grandma Mae. She died of MS when I was 5.

Kit_Kate1905- What's your favourite song?
Hurt People by Jack and Jack

Kit_Kate1905- What advice do you have for young writers?
Write about whatever the fuck you want and don't give a damn about what other people think. It's your imagination and no one can take your creativity away from you

SamanthaWritesStuff- What is your favourite book?
Irl Iluminae. and on Wattpad. Secrets and Serendipity a Colby Brock book.

The_Main_Queen101- Why are you so pretty?
I have hot parents

The_Main_Queen101- Why are you my best friend I LOVE YOUUUUU!!!
Because u are the best baby. Love you too. But I love you more.

sapphiresky02- What do you think of Elton moving out of the house?
Im sad to see him go but it was his decision. I still watch all his videos.

sapphiresky02- What do you think of Colby's crazy fans girls (if he had a girlfriend and they were rude to her?)
They need to calm. Colbys older now. He can chose what he wants to do with his life. It's not our business. We need to respect his choices.

eclipsingwinter- - How did you find TFIL?
I watched Corey's vines and YouTube channel and he moved in and now I'm stuck in a hole I can't get out of

eclipsingwinter- Who is your favourite member from TFIl/ their friends?
Can't choose. They're all amazing. Corey has the best laugh. He's my lil kettle.

eclipsingwinter- What keeps you motivated?
My friends. Readers. Family. Life.

NobodyLovesMe3-4-18- What is your sexuality?
Straight. But you can be attracted to whoever the fuck you want to be attracted to. Unicorn? Idgaf.

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