20- He Gets Violent- Colby

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"Babe! I'm not cheating on you! I wouldn't! Babe, I love you" I said, holding onto Colby's hands.

"Oh Y/N, just fuck off! I know your lying. I'm just sick of it. Why can't you be honest with me?" He yelled.

"I'm being honest Colby! You know we don't lie" I yelled back.

"Just stop fucking playing games with my mind!" He said.

I felt a sharp pain hit the side of my face. I held it and looked at Colby who was in shock. I shoved past him and out the door. I ran down the street and walked all the way to Hollywood to Brennen's house.

"Y/N what's up?" Brennen asked letting me in.

"Colby hit me" I said, crying.

"Oh my god! Get it now! Go to my room and put some of my clothes on" he said.

I went to his room and put in a baggy shirt and some gym shorts. I came back and Brennen hugged me. Just the warmth of his body made me happy. He passed me a can of beer and I took it. I took a huge gulp and put it on the table.

"How is that every guy I date, I end up falling out with him? Colby actually thinks I'm cheating on him with Elton! Like what the fuck! That doesn't make any sense" I said hicupping.

The next hours consisted of me getting drunk. I ignored all of Colby's calls and didn't reply. I don't need him anymore.

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