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A.N If you haven't already please go read the first book, Agent Gomez, as it explains the story and makes this book a lot easier to understand. You have been warned!


"I'm also guessing you didn't come here just to say hi" he said rubbing the back of his neck and I nodded. "Go on, lay it on me"He said sitting on the back of his sofa.

"I need to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative"


"The Avengers Initiative?" Tony asked and I nodded. "What's that when it's at home?"

"It's an idea. Fury came up with it." I said and Tony's eye went wide.

"You mean Andrew?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No. Nick. You remember, Nick. Right?"

"Oh yeah. His son. Is he doing alright?" Tony asked walking over to the bar. He nodded for me to follow him so I did.

"Yeah he's doing well. Reminds me of his father" I smiled as Tony starting pouring a drink. He looked at me asking 'want one?' but I just shook my head. "But yeah, The Avengers Initiative is an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people that will do things that other people couldn't do." Tony took a sip of his drink and eyed me.

"You calling me remarkable?" He pointed at me and I smiled nodding. "Well that's a first"

"Considering you just announced you were Iron Man, who I quite frankly am a big fan of, that word will be used a lot to describe you Tony." I crossed my arms and he looked like he was thinking of something. "What you thinking?"

"Do you know what happened in Afghanistan?"

"I know you got taken hostage. Then a bit later you got out and your friend Rhodey saved you. Why, is there something your hiding?" I leaned agaisnt the bar and he took another sip of his drink walking to in front of me.

"Do you know how Iron Man came about?" He asked and I shook my head. It's true. I never really knew how Iron Man was created. "Well today is your lucky day Ms Gomez. Please take my arm and follow me." I laughed at Tony and linked my arm with his. He then lead me to some stairs and led me down them. "Just a reminder there will be no flash photography as it annoys me and Jarvis" Tony joked and I played along nodding. He then stopped at a glass door to a dark room.

"I'm confused" I said.

"Good." he smiled before placing his hands over my eyes to stop me from seeing something. I laughed as heard a door open and he told me to walk foreword.

"Is this really nescassary?" I asked.

"Yes. Now, watch your step." I slowly stepped down and walked a few more steps before Tony stopped me. "Okay, you good?"

"I'm good."

"You can't see anything?"

"No, I can't see anything."

"Alright. No need to get sassy. Now keep your eyes closed." He said slowly taking his hands off my eyes. I kept my eyes shut as he would probably kill me if I didn't.

"Okay" I said.

"They closed?"

"Yes, god dammit" I laughed and complained at the same time.

"Okay. Jarvis, lights" Tony said and I could feel lights shining in the room. "Okay. Ashley, open your eyes in one, two three" I opened my eyes and was greeted by a magnificent sight took my breathe away.

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