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A.M We haven't got long till the Steve chapters guys. I'm so exited to bring him back. If it's alright with you I would like to do a few chapters just focusing on Steve and Ash once he get's back and then I'll go on holiday for two weeks so when I come back I can immediately go into Avengers. Sound good? Cool. On with the chapter.


Later that night I helped Tony put away Howard's stuff and I asked if I could stay over as I wanted to help him with that guy from the race. His names apparently Ivan Vanko. Tony apparently already talked to him after the race and got nothing out of him. Figures.

"So what exactly went on between you and my father?" Tony asked me as I was putting away the film of Howard. It took me a while to stop crying but Tony being there helped 100%.

"Not much really. I mean I'm not gunna lie to you, but there was something there. But I suppose he was waiting too long for me to move on from Steve. I still haven't moved on from him, not fully. But, if something did happen it wouldn't have been much." I smiled and shut the case.

"I'm trying to ignore the fact my best friend and my father could have had a relationship but in all seriousness, would you have liked something to happen? I'm not here to judge I just wanna know."

"Thinking about it, yeah. I do wish we could have had something but because of me not ageing it was probably for the best that we didn't do anything." I said as me and Tony put away Howard's case. "Even if Nick did tell me Howard was willing to spend his life with me even with my flaws." I pushed back tears that were coming back and Tony rubbed my arm.

"He talked about you a lot by the way. I think my mum knew he loved you but she understood why and didn't really get involved. She stayed with him because of moi." Tony smiled pointing to himself making me laugh. "But also cause she loved him and loved you too. God you're irresistible aren't you, Ash. First my father than my mother, then me. You have quite the effect on us Stark's I must say" He smiled and we laughed together.

"Do you think anything could have happened between us?" I asked him and he sighed.

"To be honest yes. I just think it took you a long time to realize how much he meant to you. You were kinda blinded by that Steve friend of yours. So blinded that you didn't realize what was right in front of you." He said and I stared outside the window. "Anyway, it's getting kinda late. Jarvis, show Ashley her room and give her a lowdown on what's been going on in the morning. Good night Ash." Tony kissed my forehead before twirling around and leaving. I laughed at him and just continued to look out at the starry sky. Tony was right. If I had moved on from Steve quicker me and Howard could have at least been together for some time. But then again, Tony would have probably never been born. And that I can't live with that. I sighed and turned to to the stairs.

"Where to Jarvis?" I asked him and he sent me to a spare room for me to stay. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be busy.

*The next day*

As soon as I woke up Jarvis told me what Tony plans to do. Tony was going to talk to Pepper and try and make peace with her. All I want for them to do is admit their love for each other. It's in their eyes when they look at each other. It's obvious. My phone then rang as I was on the running machine. Might as well work out.

"Yello?" I answered stopping the running machine.

"Hey Ash, it's me. You may wanna stay where you are...wait you are still at my house aren't you?" Tony asked and I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of water.


"Good. I'm bringing something back that I need help with. You'll recognize it, just get to the basement and I'll show you." He then hung up making me confused. I rolled my eyes and walked down to the basement. I sat at his desk and waited for him to come back. I heard a car come into the garage and Tony had something big in his passenger seat. I stood up to get a better look as he parked the car and shut it down.

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