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"So this is my apartment. Ta dah!" I sang as I showed Steve my apartment. I managed to get him to come with me but we had to go separately otherwise people would be suspicious as to why Agent Gomez is holding hands with a man. And then they'll try their best to find out his name and everything like that. Can't risk them finding out.

"Okay this is way bigger than mine. Not okay with that" Steve joked as I dragged him to my room.

"And this is my room. It has a lot of personal stuff in here and I think you'll love the fact I have a secret room behind my wardrobe made especially for me, to hide my guns and what not." I moved to my wardrobe and moved my clothes and the back of the wardrobe to reveal a rack of guns and files. "Good huh?" I asked smiling and he looked uncomfortable. "Steve, you okay?" I asked him shutting my wardrobe.

"Yeah it's just. I can't believe you've been the way you are for 70 years. I mean I read about the serum and how you don't age and I wondered why you took the serum?" I sighed and took his hands leading him over to my bed to sit on the edge.

"I made a promise to you to make you and Bucky proud. So that's what I did. I think. I took it cause after you 'died' I had nothing left. Well yeah I had Howard but we didn't become close until after the transformation. I did it to make you and Bucky proud of me. I didn't do it for me, I did it for you." I smiled and intertwined our fingers together and he rubbed his thumb over my hand.

"Did it hurt? The transformation?" He asked.

"I'd be lying if I said it didn't. Of course it hurt but I tried my best to not scare Peggy like you scared me when you screamed." I said. "I was so scared that you wouldn't make it. And you did. And I'm so so glad you did." I smiled at him and he squeezed my hand.

"And I'm not going anywhere. I left you once, and I give you permission to kill me if I ever do that again." I smiled weakly and blushed a little and he noticed kissing my cheek. "So, what things have I missed?" He asked and I got all excited that I could now rewatch loads of movies and tv shows with him and tell him about what he has missed.

"Well, a lot of movies came out that you just HAVE to see, no excuses." I pointed at him and he nodded. "TV shows as well and a few history lessons that you might need to get up to speed. You know Howard has a son right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah. I got his file along with Peggy's, Howard's and yours. You two seem to be close."

"Yeah we are. Best friends as you would say. He can be an asshole sometimes but he'll warm up to you. I'll make sure of it." I smiled and Steve was just staring at me. "What? Is there something on my face?" I asked and Steve shook his head.

"No, it's just, you're so beautiful." He said making me blush hard. "I'm glad you chose me to be with." He smiled and I cupped his face making him look at me.

"It was always you, Steve." I said before pressing my lips to his again. His hand went to the bad of my head and mine stayed holding his face. I pulled away and just admired his face. I missed looking at this face everyday.

"Peggy's file said she lived in England. Can we go see her?" Steve asked and I thought about it.

"Maybe. Depending on what I have to do and what Fury has in store for you. We can go in a couple of days if you like. But I must warn you she is very old now and you may give her a heart attack if she sees you." I said and Steve chuckled.

"I'm be careful"

"So, when do you wanna go and see her?" I asked getting excited that I would see Peggy again.

"I dunno. Next couple of days."

"I'll see if we can get a flight out there." I pecked his lips and he smiled. "But in the mean time" I trailed off getting up and heading to my DVD rack. "Let's watch some movies" I smiled holding up the Back To The Future Trilogy. Steve squinted his eyes to see the movie title.

Revisited ★ Steve Rogers [2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now